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Julie   03 May 2008 at 22:18

Sale agreement

I have gone into an sale agreement with a person, wherein he had made it out in a language not know to me. I have signed it after some time I did not go for any registration of the sale agreement. I want to know will that sale agreement be valid even thou it is not registered. Can I cancel the same. Please advise.

Priyanka   24 April 2008 at 11:35

Flat Membership in Co-op. Hsg. Soc.

Facts :

There are 2 Holders (Husband & Wife resp.) to a Flat in a Co-op Hsg. Soc.(situated in Mumbai) First Holder has died.

Query :

1]What is the Procedure for Deletion of 1st Holder's Name from the Ownership of Flat ?
2]Further, 2 unmarried daughter's names need to be added as 2nd & 3rd Holders resp.
what will be the Documentaion,etc need to be complied with ?
3]Any Deed / NOC need to be submitted ?
4]Any Notary,etc need to be done ?
5]Can the Flat be sold without such Deletion of 1st Name ?
6]Does the 2nd Holder is deemed to enjoy 100% Ownership on 1st Members's Death ?

Awaiting urgent reply.

VINOD JINDAL   22 April 2008 at 12:37

affidavit for the change of owner ship of motor vehicle

pls provide the proforma for the purpose of transfer of motor vehicle to other person and required by the DTO office for transfer of name of vehicle's registration

Built Trust   20 April 2008 at 00:20

Date of comencement of agreement

Can a agreement on stamp paper purchased on a later date say 30th april 2008 can be used to enter an agreement of lease of property which is done 9 months earlier now?


gagandeepsingh.bagga   18 April 2008 at 12:47

registration of deed

two of the brothers have decided to divide the proeprty there mother died without any will now my client is not financially sound to make registered sale deed , i suggested him partation deed and make it notary for time being along with settlement deed now the question is i have two dragtins on his

conforamtaion of proeprty already partationed

simple partation deed

for which should i suggest my client .

mohit arora   15 April 2008 at 14:41

rules regarding lic renewal commission

Respected sir,
i am a LIC agent for the last 2 years. i have completed my target of 5 years that is 60 cases in 2 years . sir , i just want to know after how many years ,if we surenderd our agency ,our renewal commission will not be effected. as in my case if i surrenderd after 3 years as ( completed target of 5 years in 2 years) my renwal commission will be given to me or not?

mohit arora   15 April 2008 at 10:08


i want to do the job of a relationship manager in the AMC of mutual fund house. as AMC is under SEBI rules and regulations and job means on the role of the company. but i have a LIC agency so, pl clear me whether i have to surrender my agency or not . whether AMC can object for my agency or not . what is the exact rules of SEBI in this regard?

mohit arora   12 April 2008 at 10:37

inquiry regarding job

i am a LIC agent for the last 2 years,under IRDA regulations. agency is not a job , means off role not on role. at that time i got a oppotunity from a mutual fund AMC under AMFI ( SEBI REGULATIONS). for the job of RM. sir i want to know whether that AMC can object against my LIC agency or not? whether they have the right as per the sebi rules to ask me to surrnder my agency? what is the actual legal point on this matter ? if not then whether they have the right to ask me for the NOC only and not for the surrender of my agency. sir please help me to tell me what is the actual law position on this matter.

Umesh Jain   02 April 2008 at 13:29

How to become Bank Manager

Dear Expert,
I m graduate (BA) from rajastahan University with 68% marks.
what is the procedure to become Bank Manager? Is there any segeration for state wise Plz specify in details.

thanks in advance

Umesh Jain.

R Balaji   01 April 2008 at 11:58

Lease agreement

Is it compulsory that lease agreements (rental) for 60 months is to be registered by incurring stamp duty and regn fee. Is it not correct to make such lease agreement in stamp paper of Rs20/- value and keep the same unregistered. Please advise based on Tamilnadu law.