What is the meaning of concurrent wills & the details regarding the concurrent will (i.e.)
1.)who can make the wills.
2.)what to do if the concurrent will is lost.
3.) how many will does a person can have.
4.)is it applicable in india or not.
5.)under which rule or section or act the detail information is given.
pls have a look to it.
Sending any kind of material regarding the above mentioned topic please send it in a wordd document file only please.
1.)If The Duplicate will is made (i.e.)one copy is with the safe custody in a bank & other copy is with us & if the copy kept by us is lost or destoryed than the one copy which is in the safe custody with the bank is said to be revocation of both is this right or wrong.
2.)what do u mean by the word revocation as per the will act.
3.)under which section the point no. 1 is applicable.
4.)also required will act applicable in maharashtra with the latest amendemets.
Please do the needful
Thanking You
All Expert in advance.
1.)If The Duplicate will is made (i.e.)one copy is with the safe custody in a bank & other copy is with us & if the copy kept by us is lost or destoryed than the one copy which is in the safe custody with the bank is said to be revocation of both is this right or wrong.
2.)what do u mean by the word revocation as per the will act.
3.)under which section the point no. 1 is applicable.
4.)also required will act applicable in maharashtra with the latest amendemets.
Please do the needful
Thanking You
All Expert in advance.
To Respected Expert's
I Would Like To Know that if a newly constructed building is brought up & the lift facilities are available in that particular bldg so as per society new bye-laws & as per lift authoirities does the socities or the builder need the approval form the lift authorities in maharashtra of any kind og NOC form them.
If any kind of feed back or any kind of citiation is sent for this particular above mentioned question than please give it in a word document it is a kind request.
My advocate has become very pally with the advocate of the opposite party and seems to have given up on my case just when we were on a stronger platform he has started absenting himself from court hearings also.. I suspect he has been harnessed in cash & kind. How can I get him back / or force him to be honest. He is good in his work.Should I look for someone else ? Is there no work ethics , how can I force him to be loyal? Please help. I am worried.
In probate cases For Wills what does the limitation act say regarding the time period ? Kalyani
i have entered into leave license agreement with a limited company in Gujarat. The agreement expired on 30 th April. Company is not renewing the same.If i file a complaint with competent authority in Gujarat ( i think it is small causes court here) can court pass order for company to vacate the premises and pay me double the damages of license fees for the occupied period , the way it is in Maharashtra as decided by highcourt in a recent judgement in Maharashtra ? Or what is the course of action which i should take ?
I have few doubts about Corpus fund being given by the developer to every society member.
1) If the corpus fund being given should be distributed as per the area of the flat or
2) If the fund can be distributed equally among all the members of the society.
3) If the General Body has the authority to take the decision about the Corpus fund
4) Is any law or provision is made in this regards in the Co.Op. Hos. Society Act.
Dear Forum Members!
Can you any one provide me a draft for obtaining GPA from a Legatee of a Will, for Fighting the case and claiming Compensation from a Govt., Organisation.
Further, What value of the stamp paper to be used for the above GPA, and is it necessary to Register this Document, if so what is the fee to be paid for the Registration of the GPA, with the Registrar.
Matter is Little URGENT please.I am from AP State.
Thanking you all Forum Members, in advance......
Power of Attorny
Two brothers are joint owner of a land. One executed in favour of other Power of Attorney (including power to sell). But POA was not registered, it was notaried.
Second brother (holder of POA) sold the property to one Mr.A. through registered deed.
What is the validity of the sale?
whether the sale deed is valid?
if not what is the proceedure to rectify it?