I intend to file a suit about recovery of rental income from other two legal heirs as they are at present taking all rental income since 19 years. The property belongs to my father who died 20 years ago and no will left by him. These two legal heirs always evading my request for giving me my rental share and now I learnt that they have secretly purchase a flat. Recently, they straightway denied to give me rental share. Please guide me on the following points:-
1. What kind of suit I have to file on the above said case ?
2. Whether I can still mention about their breach of trust with me despite the fact that there is no such written agreement ?
3. Whether I can claim my share from their recently purchased flat as both the legal share have no such income except rental income of said property ?
Please advise me on the following point:-
1. If a court granted permanent injuction in the suit property i.e. where the plaintiff residing in a particular floor and also directed defendants not to sell, tfr. and create third party interest in the suit property without court permission, but there is no mention about other two floors as the building consisting of three floors and the owner of the property died intestate. In view of above, can I now required to file another suit for stay on the whole property or for particular two floors ?2. What kind of appropriate legal action is required in this case as I am all apprehension that the defendants will sell two floors in a deceitful manner.
With reference to my earlier question.
I wish to know what I have to do in absence of Marriage Certificate and Birth Certificat of my mother. My father expired in 1993.
Whether I can file under mudkar act. My house is registered in the my father name. What are the document I have to gather to file the suit.
Whether I can file Suit in my name under mundkar act and I can file suit in the name of my mother as dauther share in the the father propert simultaniouly.
I am resident of Goa, my father has married app. 40 years ago. That time perople were not use to registere the mariages. I got valid ration card and my house is registered.
What I have to do in such situation.
I come to know that my mothere brother has got Power of Attorney. Whether such Power of Attonery is valid since my mothers father is expired in 1998 without making any will.
Let me know your valudable reply/advice/guidance.
Plantiff file a benami property case against defendent No. 1 ( real owner of property) with foreged documents of 19 years old Housing society informed the court that according to their record these documents are not submit in society and according to society Defendent No.1 is the real owner of said property.
Plantif fail to proof benami in evidence.
Please inform me that the Limitation act is applicable on this case and this case is time barred.
Is He who alledges a fact shoudl prove the same.
An the burden of proof should be proved by the person who lays cliam as Benamidar.
What is the minor age property law. When I was 11 years old my maternal uncle ( real brother of my mother )purchased a property on my name. Now Iam 48 years old. My uncle purcahsed this property wish of my deceased mother at that time my mother was cancer patient) this property was purcahsed in 1974 and my maternal uncle was issueless till his death. After the 14 days of death my maternal uncle My father file a suit of benami that the property was purcashed by them and attached the forged document of forged gift deed which is not registered. During the evidence my father failed to proof.cooperative housing society submit reply as defendant No. 2 in court that gift deed is forged in society these document were not submit in society. Last year my father died. My father failed to proof benami. Now the case on arguments please advise me and send me some case laws to help me in this case
Sir,I took 4 lac cash from relative in 2007 april to buy flat for me.I bought flat in my name.When i took cash,i had signed agreement on bond paper with my relative that in 2 yrs time if i failed to return 4 lac cash then he will buy my flat at total 9 lac rs & bal amount of 5 lac will b paid by my relative to me..The bond paper agreement was not rgistered.Now i am unable to pay him 4 lacs.I need another 3 yrs to pay back with bank interest & dont want to sell the flat.Also relative is not ready for this term....CAN HE SUE ME ON THAT BOND PAPER signed by me with 2witness under any law....Pl advice me..I wld b gr8ful to u.
In a suit for permanent injunction the Delhi court restrained defendants from evicting or dispossessing the plaintiff from his floor without following due process of law and also directed not to sell, tfr, assign and creatge third party interest in the suit property. Now I intend to file partition suit. Therefore are three legal shareholder including plaintiff. Please guide me on the following points:-
1. The cost of 1/3 share of plaintiff i.e.suit valuation comes to Rs.15 lacs, Can I file this suit in district judge/ADJ court in Delhi as the property situated in Delhi ?
2. Whether I can decrease the suit valuation or not ?
3. What is the procedure to seek relief for stay on the whole property till finalisation of partition suit and can I club both the issues and pray for the same in the court ?
I had signed an agreement of sale of a house for Rs. 15 lakhs as buyer. I paid Rs. 5 lakhs as advance. In the agreement it is written that the remaining amount should be paid within 30 days from the date of agreement. The 30 days period is over, but, I am not able to pay the remaining 10 lakhs. What will happen now? Will the builder take my advance money and cancel the agreement?
I am a member of agriculture family and i got a certificate from revenue authority with regard to that effect also.
I purchase some agriculture land got it registered in my name and thereafter i was served with a notice from Assistant Commissioner Revenue, that my registration is going to be cancelled and given a notice under section 79 A&B of the land reforms act. Actually i wanted to defend this case by showing that i have purchased the land from my income. But the authority insist that they are taking into consideration of the income of my family.
Can you please provide some citation to justify my contention that the i have purchased the said land from my income and that only take into consideration other than family income.
Please help me by providing your valuable advise as well as some important judgements in this context.
With regards,
Purchase of Property
We had a property in my mother's name and the property was sold in the year 1996 due to some financial problem. The remaining amount was given to me and my brother for setting up their own family needs. I invested in a property in my wife's name and constructed a small house in it and living since then. My brother had spent is money and has not invested in any property. Now his wife and her family members are filing case against me for not equally sharing the money by my mother who is no more. Propery was self acquired property of my mother. Father is living with us and when they wanted to file a case against me, father is lending his support to my brother against me. Kindly advise.