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sunty   06 August 2008 at 14:53

wrong registry

a 75 years old lady is owner of some land house and shops. she has four child two sons and two daughter all married.she is alive and residing with her doughter, one day her grandson picked her and thumbed some papers after one month she come to know all property is registered with someone else, in this case how can she get back his property.
may be property is the name of her grandson or her daughter in law's name.

ram   06 August 2008 at 11:00

Revocation of Gift Deed

My fried purchased a plot from Y.
Gifted X to Y . After registration
The gift was cancel by X. Present
Who was the owner of the property?
What is legal action taken by my fried
Against Y or X
Thank ‘Q”

ram   05 August 2008 at 17:55

Validite of Stampers

1)what is the time limit for using the stamp papers i.e non-judicial etc applicable in Andhra Pradesh

2) If GPA Hoder dies can the legal heirs
execute the Documents individual or with the orginal property holder. IN my konwoledge if GPA died the GPA is cancelled and property right go to the orginal owner . It is Correct or not?
Tnank 'Q'

Sourabh Bansal   04 August 2008 at 13:11

NA industrial land dastavej

We are purchasing a land (20,000 sq. m)in gujarat for setting up an industrial unit. The land is presently agricultural. It will be first be converted into non-agricultural (industrial) land and then dastavej will be done in company's name. The revised jantri rates for the location are Rs. 40 per sq. m. for agricultural and Rs. 600 per sq.m. for industrial NA land. The transaction is taking place at approx. rs. 50 per sq.m. As the dastavej will be taking place after na conversion I understand that we will require to pay the stamp duty & registration fees as per Rs. 600 per sq. m... But what will be the value on which dastavej should be done and also what will be the basis of income tax calculation?

V.Raghavan   02 August 2008 at 23:26

How to set aside the wrong sale?

A mother,her son and daughter executed a sale deed through their power agent in the year 1982 for a house site inherited. after 24 years noticing that the site is still remain unused the daughter and son(since their mother demised) again sold the property to another person suppressing the fact that the land was sold already(by applying duplicate doocument - pretended it is lost) Again it was sold to another person in the year 2008 on by this the original owner (Purchaser from mother, son and daughter) came to know. Now the legal owner should recover the property by setting aside the two saled executed with ill motive. Can the legal owners institute a criminal case suit against all the parties of the property wrongly dealt along with the civil case?

kalyani choudhury   01 August 2008 at 19:16

ancestral or selfowned property

my father bought land on at concessional rate with his own earnings from the govt of India on the basis of a refugee certificate issued in my grandfathers name and his children who were majors at that time. Is this property classified as ancestral or selfowned ?can he will it to his son ? or the other children of my grand father also have a right to this property ?

Dinyar   01 August 2008 at 12:07

What are the documents required to file a suit for tresspass to land?

When the neighbouring farmer tresspasses into your land and extends his boundries by building a BANDH the remedy available is a suit for tresspass.

My question is when the suit is instituted do you require to file your 7/12 extract copy?
My another lawyer friend is of the opinion that for instituting a suit a rough scatch map is all that is required and not a detailed proof of owning the land since tresspass is a remedy available with the possesor and not with the owener alone.

john   31 July 2008 at 14:26

Question regarding property

answer posted in another topic

puja   31 July 2008 at 12:11

need advice

A lady who is a widow (also an adopted child) have any liablity towards her parents. Like can anybody sue her as LR for any liability to be paid by the parents when she is a widow.

what are her other rights and liablities towards the parents being an adopted daughter and a widow?

V.Raghavan   30 July 2008 at 17:11

What is the legal right of the third child

A mother buys and register a property in the name of her two minor children who were prevailing at the time. After few years a third child was born. The mother is no more now. Can the third child claim share from the property?