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shantilal k. patel   19 August 2008 at 17:13

Case filed under two different laws-How to delt with

I was not paid grauity by the firm of
chartered accountants. I filed a case
before Controlling Authority(ASS.Commissioner of Labour) and a another
case for Misconduct undr Chartered accoutnts Act. One before Labour Department and other before The Institute
of Chartered Accountants of India. Later on
if the firm pays me gratuity amount plus
interest.My case before the Asst.Commissioner will be over because I filed for grauity and interest. Whether
the second case before The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India will also
be over because of the fact that grauity and interest are paid or it will continue
? Please enlighten me S.K.PATEL

sanjeev   19 August 2008 at 13:26

police security of a person accused of a murder

whether police security can be provided to a person whose life is in danger and who is accused of a murder ? Is there any ruling of supreme court regarding this matter?

Manish Singh   18 August 2008 at 19:18

Govt of India Act 1959

Dear All,
Can anybody please provide me Govt of India Act, 1859 and the Govt of India Act, 1865.
these are repealed acts and i couldnt find it anywhere so I request all the learned members to please provide me the same if possible.

Chandan Garg   18 August 2008 at 10:41

construction contract

In this case employer is providing cement,steel and reinforcement to the contracts, while architect is paid for providing drawings and supervision and contractor for building the flats and colonies as per architects drawing..

please tell what kind of post construction agreement for any defect arising in the construction or building ,can be made with both of architect and contractor and for how many years.

Vivek Shukla   17 August 2008 at 20:17

further education through correspondence

Hi, My Junior wants to pursue further legal education after LL.B. of offshore universities, which are having exam centres in India but which are providing jobs to such LL.B. graduates off shore particularly in U.S.A. .Plese send me the details of same at the earliest.Please name the sites or consultants alongwith their names and numbers.

ANOOP TRIPATHI   14 August 2008 at 01:18

second bail

a bail application is presented to the court of session judge and bail allowed, due to no knowledge a other advocate presented same bail with Clint affidavit this is first bail Clint himself do not know about first bail application and he is only son of accused .what is liability fix against advocate and Clint ?

Nirmal Joseph   13 August 2008 at 23:17

Query about Consumer Redressal Forum?

Hi Friends,

I purchased a flat (to be newly constructed) from a person (who is a Power Agent) by entering Sale Agreement for 1/6th of the land in July 2003. To satisfy one of the conditions in the Sale Agreement on the very same day I entered into a Construction Agreement for a flat of 1250 sq.ft. for a total construction cost of Rs.12,00,000/- with a partnership firm belonging to his family. As per the Construction Agreement I should pay the construction cost in installments based on the progress of the building and the contractor was supposed to complete and hand over the flats in 18 months from the date of agreement. In three months time I got the land registered in my name by paying full amount for the land. After that, though I became owner of 1/6th share of the land by virtue of the Registered Sale Deed, while applying for building approval only he signed in the place of owner without getting my consent. Subsequently he formed another partnership firm and entrusted the job of entire construction to that firm without my knowledge. While on construction they made lot of violations against the approved plan and building rules (I got the copy of the approved plan and the notice issued to the new builder by the local body using RTI Act). As a result they could not complete the construction. More over the construction is not done by the contractor with whom I signed the construction agreement. Can I approach Consumer Redressal Forum against him? Who are all to be made as parties of offenders?


RAJIV   13 August 2008 at 10:26




ANOOP TRIPATHI   13 August 2008 at 00:49


if a advocate do any other occupation in side work is misconduct in the lite of the advocate act?

Deepa   12 August 2008 at 14:21

Public Interest Litigation

Dear Members,
What are the criteria required to initiate a Public Interest Litigation against a building constructed totally violating building rules. One has constructed a building three times larger than the approval from the Municipality. He has violated Street Rule and Floor Area Ratio and lets all the hospital sewage to flow into the public rain water drainage. Can an affected neighbor go for PIL? For PIL which court should be approached?