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Mohan   29 July 2008 at 12:41

Stampe Paper.

Maharashtra state's 100 Rs. Stamp paper is valid in Goa state ?

R.VENKATESAN   28 July 2008 at 13:35

Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993.

A recovery certificate was issued by the Debts Recovery Tribunal. Thereafter the mortgaged property was auctioned by the Recovery Officer as provided under The Second Schedule to the Income Tax Act 1961 and as per the provisions of The Income Tax (Certificate proceedings) rules 1962.

The auction purchaser deposited the entire amount before the Recovery Officer. In the meanwhile, the mortgagor/borrowers filed writ petitions before the High court and the confirmation of sale was stayed.

In the meanwhile, the auction purchaser filed an application to deposit the bid amount in Interest bearing fixed deposit and the same was deposited in a Nationalised Bank.

The Writ petitions filed by the mortgagor/borrower were dismissed. The auction also confirmed by the Recovery Officer in favour of the auction purchaser.

The bank wanted to adjust the bid amount deposited with the accrued interest. The auction purchaser has filed an application seeking relief before the DRT stating that the interest amount has to be paid to the auction purchaser.

Whether the auction purchaser is entitled to the said relief. Any case laws on the said subject.

sanman ayachit   27 July 2008 at 21:45

process for establishment of the law firm?

what is the process for establishment of the law firm? how many members minimum required for it? & in which catagories they can do work?

nilesh   26 July 2008 at 17:17

About Right to information

what is the mailing address for receiving any information through E-mail,

sanman ayachit   25 July 2008 at 20:36

concept of law firms

What is the concept of law firms? what the new commers can do in improvement of profession with the help of concept of law firms in taluka court places?

kumar sachin   25 July 2008 at 00:56

performance and future of central govt.

dear all

what do u think about the performance of the central govt. till today and why and what is the future of the govt. and its allies?

Adv.Rajendra Kothari   24 July 2008 at 21:34

Mohammedan Law

Whether the theory of adoption of child is permissible under Mohammedan Law.Kindly suggest the law points on the same and cooperate me.

Eliza Rumthao   24 July 2008 at 18:23

Whether advocates can be an employed in a non lawfirm organisation?

Standards of Professional Conduct and Etiquette
(Rules under Section 49 (1) (c) of the Act read with the Proviso thereto)

49. An advocate shall not be a full-time salaried employee of any person, government, firm, corporation or concern, so long as he continues to practise, and shall, on taking up any such employment, intimate the fact to the Bar Council on whose roll his name appears and shall thereupon cease to practise as an advocate so long as he continues in such employment.
Nothing in this rule shall apply to a Law Officer of the Central Government of a State or of any Public Corporation or body constituted by statute who is entitled to be enrolled under the rules of his State Bar Council made under Section 28 (2) (d) read with Section 24 (1) (e) of the Act despite his being a full time salaried employee.
Law Officer for the purpose of these Rules means a person who is so designated by the terms of his appointment and who, by the said terms, is required to act and/or plead in Courts on behalf of his employer.

Could somebody explain to me the interpretation of this section under the Advocates Act, 1961?
I wish to know how the private firms are employing the lawyers to represent their case.

Sachin Agrawal   24 July 2008 at 14:28

Mode to enrol for the course of CA

Dear Sir,

I'm 34yr old and a law graduate(LL.B).
How to proceed for the course of Charterd Accountancy.What preliminary stteps i have to take for that.

Ishu   24 July 2008 at 10:49

wat to do after LL.b?

hi,i have given exams of final year LL.b of Panjab university,Chandigarh.i want to know wat field should i opt now...should i go into practice or LPO or corporate sector? wat should i opt next? or should i go for further studies?