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galaxy   25 May 2019 at 21:14

Space in between name

hello my name is in 10 and 12 certificates is premkumar A, but in my degree certificate is prem kumar A, during certificate verification, it will create any problem

Anonymous   25 May 2019 at 09:53

A case of ufm in semester exam in engineering.

Now that he has passed the exam after being subjected to Ufm case & reappearing in it as a punishment.
Will he get the govt job provided he has got the degree from the university ?
or the ufm case will be considered as a criminal case & reject his appointment ?

Anonymous   25 May 2019 at 04:34

A case of ufm in semester exam in engineering.

If a student was caught cheating in exam & a case of ufm was made against him. Later on his particular paper was cancelled and he had to rewrite the exam in particular subject. He passed the exam and got his degree in engineering.
Now, he is selected in Central gov.t job after clearing the competitive exam. But during the filling of attestation form a question is asked - "Have you ever been debarred from any Examination or restricted by any University or any other educational authority / institution ?
If answered YES here. Will that make the person unfit for the gov.t job and reject his appointment ?

Thomas V Johnson   24 May 2019 at 17:13

Advice to young lawyers

Soli Sorabjee's once said as advice to young lawyers that: "I would like to say one thing. Please don’t expect to make a mini fortune in a short time. Work hard. Law is a jealous mistress. And always remember that it is a service-oriented profession. Services should be available to those who are really needy and who are really the victims of injustice. Apart from all of that, the main thing is your mindset. You are in a profession and not in business. It is a noble profession and doesn’t let it degenerate into a commercial racket.".

Do the distinguished experts of LCI feel the same? What else advice would you like to give to the future of the legal profession?

Anand Mohan   24 May 2019 at 15:35

Phd increments

i would like to know that PhD increment which provided by employer as five non compounded increments to faculty at entry level of assistant professor holding PhD degree. my concern is that, this increment is decided on the basis of subject in which phD is awarded or it is irrespective to subject?

galaxy   24 May 2019 at 10:47

Change in signature

hello, I have a doubt,
I used different signature in my std 10 and std 12 certificates, and my degree certificate whether it creates any problem in certificate verification .

Rajesh K Jha   21 May 2019 at 20:39

Hindu law


Thomas V Johnson   20 May 2019 at 14:34

College charges extra for payment of fees through debit card

Can colleges charge extra money for payment of fees through debit card? My cousin's college is demanding an additional 2000 rupees for payment of his fees through debit card? Is this legal and ethical?

Anonymous   19 May 2019 at 16:04

Regular studies and regular job

I have done regular MBA and Regular private job together. I have maintained both things together with my hard work. But now I do not know add in my experience. Is this become illegal ?

Anonymous   15 May 2019 at 14:15

Completed my masters while being in a job

Hello sir... I have one query. In the year 2014 I started my MA(Regular) and just after the completion of 1st year(2 semesters), I got selected in LIC as a Development Officer in 2015. After that while being in this job I also completed my remaining 2 semesters (till 2016). Although they granted me permission for this but it was just verbally, nothing in written. Then I resigned form LIC in 2017 March. Now, this year(2019), I got selected in Public Sector Bank as a 'Rajbhasha Adhikari' on the basis of that MA degree. Now the question is that will this create any kind of problem in the future as I completed my MA while I was in job. Because somewhere I heard that we cannot do any regular course along with any job..Please help me .. I m really worried about this...
(From College side everything is clear. I have got my mark sheet and degree mentioning that I was a regular student of the college....)