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Deepak R   05 March 2017 at 20:39

Return of original certificates

I took admission in satyam college of engineering and technology in kanyakumari.They did not provide any regular classes so I complaint it with the PMs grievance cell.On january 25 anna university called me for a discussion with college authorities at that time they promised (only verbal in front of student affairs director)that if i discontinue the course they will return the certificate without further fees .I went to the college but they did not return my certificate they said that it needs the signature from the chairman,but the chairman is always absent in the college .Some staff in the college harassing me. Please help me sir

Anonymous   04 March 2017 at 16:12

Regarding licence for my educational consultancy

Right now I'm running my firm as an advisory consultancy what if I'm aiming at acting as an agent to provide student visa and other services for studies abroad, then what is the procedure?

Anonymous   03 March 2017 at 15:23

LLB admission

I am hons. graduate and want to pursue LLB. I have scored 47% in hons papers but it comes down 44% after adding the pass pappers.
Plz suggest me colleges and universities where i can get admission for LLB.

Syed Ashir Naved   03 March 2017 at 13:13

MSBTE debarred me for 1 yr on the basis of doubt of copy

Sir I m arsalan. Poly civil engg. Sir MSBTE debarred me in copy case. Only on the basis of doubt of copy MSBTE debarred 365 students of my department approx. All students. What can I do to save my 1 yr

Mallikarjun T   02 March 2017 at 14:37


Dear sir/madam
I was attended for the IBPS CLERK-VI mains exam on january 1st 2017 at the test centre EMerit,RT nagar,Banglore. Due to the
poor performance and maintainanace of the systems the sever connection was lost 2-3 times while writibg the exam then some students started shouting and that test centre management stopped the exam for 150 members and they blamed all the students at IBPS And did not given any reqest for RE EXAM.later we given a complaint in IBPS grievances cell but they given a message that contains the terms and conditions but did not given any kntimation about RE EXAM.

Lakshmipriya   01 March 2017 at 10:00

Tc of llb colloege should be needed or not to apply enrollment of bct state

Hello Sir/Madam,

I applied for enrollment in Bar Council of Tamilnadu and I didn't attach TC of LLB which didn't mention to attach in instructions of enrollment application. And, BCT also checked there and accepted my application form to do processing. So, it is still in verification process.

But, I heard afterwards from others that we are supposed to attach TC also. Please, help me out in this to find out the solution.

Thanks a lot in advance for your valuable answers.


shailendra   28 February 2017 at 19:07

Admission in law college

Dear sir,
I am 29 yrs old mechanical engineer working in automobile company want to pursue evening classes for llb. Please let me know the criteria of right college.
Like approval from recognised university or approval from bar council.

Muzaffar Soparkar   27 February 2017 at 22:02

Where can I find a 1st class magistrate in Mumbai?

I lost my passing certificate and need to apply for a duplicate copy of the same from my university. As per the procedure, I need to apply along with an affidavit which is signed by the 1st Class magistrate. Now I am confused who is a 1st class magistrate and where can I find a 1st Class Magistrate in Mumbai.

Anonymous   27 February 2017 at 21:53

Caste certificate

Sir mine fathers name in mine caste certificate and 10th marksheet is different and there is no way i can get it to be same, will upsc disqualify me?

Rahul   25 February 2017 at 06:12

Two degree simuntaneously

Respected sir , since according to ugc guidelines anyone can't take two degree simuntaneously however it may from one regular and one from distance or both regular or both distance bit not awareness of this fact my brother took admission in b.a. through distance and regular , he has completed both the degree , since it is not legal ; what action may taken against him , would both the degree may cancel or one of them will cancel and if one which one will be cancel if someone complaints against him as some people are often threating us