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arun   12 July 2008 at 23:13

land litigation

sir my father purchased a piece of land(withbuilding) with out knowing that it is a litigistic land and the case regarding the owner ship of the property is pending before the court actually the case summary is ... the plaintiff who wants to trouble the defendant put a case in the court claiming that he is the owner of the property but in actual we very well know that the property surely belongs to our seller(defendant).now the case has come up to the stage of an issue what is the meaning of the term "issue" further out the 3 conditions put by the plaintiff restrain the defendant from interfering in the plaintiff peaceful possession confer ownership title on the plaintiff reimburse the amount
clause 1 has been verdicted against the plaintiff does it mean the case is closer to an end
sir pl have a note here that the person (plaintiff ) according to our well known sources is not an owner he simply put the case in 2004 to trouble the seller.further what is the legal position of my father

Kapil Kumar   12 July 2008 at 19:19

Information about being a defaulter of financial institutions

Kindly let me know what are the remedies available to me as an individual who had availed Personal loan as well as used gthe credit facility from MNC Banks and had been using it properly for almost 4- years but due to some sudden financial crisis I have lost my money and now I am a BIG ZERO in terms of money and assets,I am staying in a rented place ,having no assets,surviving on my brothers salary,no job,no business,I had no mal intentions to be a defaulter as I use to make all the payments on time before this sudden shock,there has been cases filed against me under different IPC section of criminal and civil be true I do not have money to pay or to fiight cases or to ask banks to settle,kindly show me a way to save my self and my family from this legal trauma.Is insolvency or bankruptcy is a way .

Tarabai   08 July 2008 at 22:20

Bank delete locker holder name without permission of locker holder

I have a locker account in the joined name of my husband. After death of my husband I reach bank .Bank employee said my name is delete from locker, and my son name is added. I am not given to permission delete my name and add my sons name. My husband has not given permission delete my name and adds my son’s name. After death of my husband my son open locker and remove all valuables from locker. I file criminal case and civil case .in civil case how can I proof of my valuables gold silver cash Rs. Above five lakhs is in locker .what is the Evidence for proof my five lakh property is in Bank Locker ? I have find all details and document .it shows Bank on basis of forged document Bank employee add my sons name but bank has no right delete my name and add my sons name in my locker. Sir please say how can I proof my all valuables was in Locker. The civil case is on the stage of Evidence. Can I proof my valuables in locker .Is court give me justice? Is court ask bank how can
They (Bank) delete my name from locker and why they give permission to my sons to open my bank locker .In the Manual (circular) of banking law bank has no right to delete locker holder name from locker without written permission of locker holder. Sir please give your suggestion that I can proof valuables is in locker. . I wrote a complaint to prime minister of India, finance mister governor of Reserve bank of India, chief minister. National commission for women but on effect. My case is on the stage of evidence. Please give me proper suggestion..
Thanking You...

Dr.Gaurang N. Gandhi   07 July 2008 at 11:03

Weighbridge Rules And regulations

What are the basic rules and Regulations the owner of weighbridge should follow!

Ladhu Ram Chowdhary   07 July 2008 at 06:50

Claim u/s 163A

Sec.163A&166 m.w.Act-Scope in relativity -Whether the provisions contained in sec.163A & 166 Provide for the differentmodes and whether these two modes can be simultaneously invoked ?

Tarabai   07 July 2008 at 01:20

Witness in Will

I want to make my will. Can I make witness my two employee as witness ? Can witness write my will who is employee in my company.Is Registration Compulsory for will ?
Please answer

lawyers friend   06 July 2008 at 13:51

About insolvency/bankruptcy


insolvency is possible in my case all fact i already tell u sir.About insolvency/bankruptcy as I consulted with some lawyers in Delhi.

I think there is some confusion, I do not have any shares as assets secondly about filing my insolvency, I had consulted with some lawyers in Delhi and as per them I am not eligible for it.
They have said that wherever there is public money involved you cannot be an insolvent secondly you should also have a debtor .In my case I only have creditors which are MNC Banks.
Sir kindly advice if you can help in filing insolvency then I can meet you personally and can also do the needful in terms of your charges.

Thanks sir,

Ambika.S   04 July 2008 at 21:33

maintainability of a suit

When the issue before the Court is for the Maintainability of a suit [jurisdiction]. How many adjournments can a Court take for the Orders on Maintainability?

ASHUTOSH   04 July 2008 at 16:41

seeks judgement as well as advice

respecteted all experts my qurey is iam a private limited company dealing in freight forwarding and custom clearence agent one of my client which is suitabel to say ultimate consigeen. i have handel handel a consigment on the basis of my client from canda a 30 packet of some cotton yarn at at airport when i receive the packet out of 30 packet 5 packet was missing we intemate to air india they state wait some time packet come on other flight in nut shell no packet we have receive air india given a shorland certificate for missing the packet my client has debited my account due to loss of his consigment and my client who is ultimate consignee has lodge his claim before air india but air india refuse to pay they said to me you have to lodge claim with in 120 days as per carrage by air act and they refuse claim on technecally you have not file the claim because your name is written on Airways bill and claim lodge by ultimate consignee pls tell any judgement and gide iam moving case in consumer court and tell the defenation of ultimate consignee and claim either file by ultimate consignee or me is same
awating reply


Mr. Vijay Raj   04 July 2008 at 13:06

Election to the Cantonment Board, Cantonment Act 2006

My name is present in the electoral roll of the Shillong Cantonment Board and I applied for inculsion of my name in another ward but it was denied because i had also stated in a affidavit that i had stayed out of the cantonment area, I submitted my nomination paper which was rejected, now i have filed a case that i was not allowed to contest the election inspite of my name being in the electoral roll.
Please if any one could give me details of similar cases so that I may win this suite.