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Salila suar   25 October 2008 at 22:54

Need information

Dear Sir,
My mother have a plot in orissa& she construct house there(1981) with basis of Privater mutual road.we were walking that private road upto 2004 then our neighbour said i dont want to give the road.on the basis of road development authority approved building plan. now we have another road to walk thru. We have spend lot of money due to change the face of other side.
what type of legal action can we take, so that we get the road or componsation?
Please email me.
Thanks for your time,

advocate satya   25 October 2008 at 15:01

impugne order

if any review is filed is the original order is called impugned in the petition or it will be used in appeal, what is review process i mean vakalatnama is again to be filed or any court fee

susanth nair s   24 October 2008 at 21:57

amendment petition

sir, suitfor realization of money based on a pr.note the pro note produced by the plaintiff is dtd.10/03/2006 but in the suit notice,plaint and even in the chiefaffidavit it is stated that pro note was executed on 10/03/2007. the plff was examined,documents were marked and defendant,s evidence also closed and posted fr hg. now realising the defect plff filed ptn to amend the plaint,notice ie ext.A3,and affidavit i am appearing for defendant plz help me to draft objection to the amendment ptn.whether chief affidavit can be amended with bestregards

advocate satya   24 October 2008 at 16:00

dasti summon

what is the complete process to serve dasti summon, i mean how to get process server and what is the whole procedure?

D.ANANDHAGIRI   23 October 2008 at 13:58



bindia   23 October 2008 at 13:21

practice in consumer courts.

How can i practice in consumer courts? can a fresher with no xperience in litigation work in consumer courts or only experienced lawyers are eligible to work over there? what is the procedure for becoming a practising advocate of consumer courts? is there any specific exam a candidate is required to clear for it? please provide me all the relevant information regading this.

bindia   23 October 2008 at 13:21

practice in consumer couts.

How can i practice in consumer courts? can a fresher with no xperience in litigation work in consumer courts or only experienced lawyers are eligible to work over there? what is the procedure for becoming a practising advocate of consumer courts? is there any specific exam a candidate is required to clear for it? please provide me all the relevant information regading this.

ravi   23 October 2008 at 07:47

to know about law

difference between section 53 of transfer of property act and provincial insolvency act

allurisivajiraju   22 October 2008 at 21:46

validity of unregistered document.

Respected Seniors,

Whether the Tenant file an injunction suit basing on the unregistered agreement deed ( i.e. 100/-. non judicial stamp paper ) for restaining the Land Lord for peacefull possession and enjoyment of the tenant with in lease period.

If it is possible please mention provision and citations for validity of the said unregistered and insufficient stamped lease agreement.

Thanking You Sir.

advocate satya   22 October 2008 at 13:22

marraige and information

i need to know if someone is going to get married the procedure is that the information goes to the parents, if the information received there may be hindrance in the marraige, what one can do to scape from this information which goes to parents> thanks>