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Rishi Ahuja   11 December 2009 at 20:48

Evidences in custody

Rsspected sir,

My counsel is out of state for three days and will be back on monday, and on the same day on 14-12-2009 ,i have to give my evidences on the subject matter as i have filed a case for my son,s custody. where as it is not posswible for me to give the evidnces inhis absence. kindly suggest me what to do.In case, i will request the hon'ble cout to give me a little time for that, will they agree for that.

with regards.

barun deka   11 December 2009 at 19:11

place of suing

a title suit is pending before civil judge sr division but in the argument stage it has come to the notice that after the enhancement of the pecuniary jurisdiction of the munsiff courts, the matter should fall under the jurisdiction of the latter. so now can the matter be remanded to the munsiff?

S. M. Mane   11 December 2009 at 15:39

Registration of Deed of Family Settlement

As per Regulation 6 (2) (b) of the Government Securities Regulations, 2007, title to the Government security of a deceased holder can be decided on the basis of a registered deed of family settlement. The requirement is submission of a "REGISTERED DEED". I request the experts to clarify where a family deed can be registered and what is stamp duty requirement for registration.

S. M. Mane

S. M. Mane   11 December 2009 at 15:38

Registration of Deed of Family Settlement

As per Regulation 6 (2) (b) of the Government Securities Regulations, 2007, title to the Government security of a deceased holder can be decided on the basis of a registered deed of family settlement. The requirement is submission of a "REGISTERED DEED". I request the experts to clarify where a family deed can be registered and what is stamp duty requirement for registration.

S. M. Mane

Anonymous   11 December 2009 at 06:48

Right Title Interest

Respected sir,
What is Right, Title and Interest in civil law related with land? How they are inter related with each other? Thanks to all.

Rima   10 December 2009 at 19:20

ExParte Judgment

The Counsumer court has passed an exparte judgment in my favour. However the opposite party appeared at the first date and filed W/V and thereafter never appeared.
Court passed exparte judgment in my favour directing the OP to pay 10000/- as compensation.
I have got the certified copy of the Judgment.
Now what I have to do?
whether I have to send the OP a demand notice along with the copy of the Judgment?
Whether they can appeal?
Whether before allowing the appeal the State Commission will hear me?
Whether caveat can be filed at State Commission?

Devender Singh Rao   10 December 2009 at 17:29

Stay of trial of 125 Cr. PC Application

Dear All,

I have already filed an Suit for Declaration(Regarding Validity of Adoption Deed, i.e. Adoption Deed has been done fradulently) on behalf of the person who has adopted the child.At this time the Adopted child has filed an application U/s 125 Cr. PC.Is the trial of application U/s 125 Cr. PC is stayed & under which section, there is any case decided on this matter.Please help me.

Anonymous   10 December 2009 at 16:44

HUF Property

The HUF partition has taken place in 1957, for some of the HUF propeties. However some properties were in the name of all the three brothers ( who have a partition deed in 1957) upto 1993.The property card shows the name of three brothers. In such a case can we say that the partition deed executed in 1957 is not acceptable and all the propert including the divided earlier is the property of HUF. Pl explain

I am thankful for the valuable advice given by the experts on the subject
I want to elaborate the subject by giving the additional information which will enable you to give the advice in more detail.

The grandfather purchased 10properties in the year 1941. He expired in 1951 afeter his death all the properties devolved in the names of his three sons as legal heirs.and the elder brother is nammed as Karta/ Ekatra Kutumb Manager . In 1957 a partition took place only for 5 properties and remaining properties showed the names of all three brothers as joint owners upto the year 1992. In this case can we claim that the partition which took place in the year 1957, is only for part of the property all the properties are not included in the partition and hence it is not acceptable. All the three brothers/their legal heirs have equal rights in the property. As the elder brother was Karta of HUF. Can we challenge the partition deed in courts of law for inclusion of names of other two brothers/their legal heirs in all the properties saying that the partition deed which took place in 1957, was merely some mutual agreement/family arrangement for agril lands and hence not binding on other two brothers.

Anonymous   10 December 2009 at 16:41

What "B" would do in this issue.

Respected experts,

“A” has executed a Registered Agreement of Sale cum GPA and also a Sale Deed in favour of “B” in respect of some lands and wherein the subject matter of lands is defending in a case for a Specific performance suit. And even till today the matter is not yet finalized and it is pending before the High Court.

In case, “A” succeeds the said litigation, the said property is definitely going to be registered in favour of “A” through court. In such a case, as there are some mis-understandings in between “A” and “B” and thus “A” will not be cooperated “B” at any point of time. Hence what “B” would do at this movement to safe guard his properties, as per the above said registered deeds?

seetharaman   10 December 2009 at 12:05

for case

What is the base for Government lands/ buildings/ lands with buildings can be leased out