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satyam   15 January 2010 at 17:18

False list of dowry items given by wife at CAW

Wife left to her parent’s house in my absence without intimation after showing rude behavior to my parents for 5 months and not returned back so far. She conditioned for rented house. Both govt. servants, but she draws more than me resulting her being in ego, dominating/rude nature with high BP and follows her mother& sisters. To press, she threatened of police/court by SMS & telephonically a no. of times. I wrote this episode to Police Stn. & for action. On police query, she went to women Cell & charged falsely me & my family members of being tortured mentally but could not prove anything there. Further she placed conditions for rented house or to shift my elder brother & his family to another house for dominating all in her style in the house. I denied & gave my decision in writing for residing with her only at my independent floor of my parents’ property and going out by my elder brother & his family. She has now handed over a list of items given during marriage through CAW containing false items of jewellery & other items which she did not bring with her or shown ten times of value in writing. On the list, CAW has asked for explanation from me on the list of the items in the next meeting soon.

My queries now !

1. Since my wife is a Govt Servant appointed last year & her father is also a middle level Govt. officer & other family members in private sector drawing low salaries , can they put these false type of list of high value (ten times) to get financial benefits from me or blackmail me like above as I can prove the items given or value shown are false by ways of Video films/photo/relatives attended functions/bills of items may be asked for from them, etc.:

2. What legal steps should I proceed now with other legal/administrative authority to set her & her family members being govt employee to avoid charging me falsely under women Act alongwith replying to CAW on the list of items

3. What legal action should I opt to make my state sound against the false actions may be initiated by her against me and my family members any time.

4. What type of life, I can expect from this type of girl, in case she returns back in my house

Anonymous   15 January 2010 at 16:05

RCR and Divorce

Dear Sir,

I got married to a wrong girl who has almost ruined my life and career. After marriage she lived just for 6 days with me and she did not allow to have any phisical relations also during those six days. I tried to make up my relation and bring her back to my house but she did not listen anything. After that I wanted to file for divorce case because I can not live with her now but some lawers suggested me to file for RCR because they said that RCR will help me in false 489a case in case in case my wife files this. Exparte decision of RCR came after 2.5 year but my wife filed petition within 3 months against exparte decision. She is saying that she was not aware about any case.My court sent all the notices and we published the same in newspaper also. She is just trying to delay the case. Can I file divorce case now because RCR is still going on?I am really being tortured by my wife. Please suggest me what can I do?

Anonymous   15 January 2010 at 15:29

dowry death

my sister had married Anusha one and half year ago with govt employee Raju in hindu tradition.gave the dowry ten thulas of gold and seventy thousand rupees cash to Raju.after one month Raju want to sold the jeweley for his expenses we denied that we kept the gold with us.he used to call us through cell phone for gold.and then on he is tortured Anusha for the gold and also abusing my mothers second marriage.after two months of marriage we brought anusha to our home.after eight months of she return she delivered a baby.after three months we send my sister to her husbands house.
after one week he called us &said she is missing.we went complained to police station and expressed doubt on him.the police enquired him and found that he had murdered her with a rope round the neck removed her dress and cremated in a old house near to his house.clothes &cheppals are burnt in another place.her chain in her neck removed and left it in the busstand.police could not found it.even there is no eye witness.only the ash & bones police got from the incident.only we are witness for torturing gold&abusing my mothers second marriage through cell phone.he did it very camly and without any big quarrels.
please help us how to get the baby? how to prove it under dowry death or other sections?how should we proceed?

Anonymous   15 January 2010 at 15:04

Property Dispute..?.

Dear Sir,
Two years back my Grand Father is died, Leaving behind 2 Sons, 2-Married Daughters and One Wife aged 70yrs. One Son left him (Grand Father)17yrs ago. When he received information about the death of his father he came back to Paternal Home. Thereafter all faimly member togeather settle the dispute..?. Please suggest me according to muslim law How much share he acquired..?.

ravi   15 January 2010 at 11:20

domestic violence act property safety

i married on 13.6.2002. i have a male child on 2003. we are separated last on year. my wife reside with her parents. she in only daughter for her family. i sale my property to my sisters husband in feb 2007. My wife filed DV case against me, my mother, my sister and sisters husbend for want of maintenance, give property by cancel sale. Is possible to cancel the sale and got share. i earned monthly 25000 per month approximately what amount share to be given to maintanance.

Anonymous   14 January 2010 at 20:49

Ex-Parte Petition Dismissed

My ex-parte HMP is dismissed on the ground that I have not proved my case.In judgement court held that I have not examine matarial witness i.e. my friend but I have examined him & his evidence is on record & also exhibited by court.In such situation What shall I do?

Mukesh   14 January 2010 at 18:02


Honourable Members

I had earlier asked questions and got very satisfying replies. I shall be obliged for your kind guidance in the following matter :
My wife and her parents are exerting pressure on us to take back my wife who is living with her parents for last 1 year after only 3 months of marriage and living with us after all nonsense and false allegations. I have made up my mind for divorce. We are trying a negotiated settlement but are not sure of their intentions. They may file a false case if the results are not to their satisfaction.
We have a 3 room flat and there are 6 persons. 1 room was given to me/wife other being with Mother/Father/unmarried sister and Brother/wife. The flat is registered in my mother's and my name. I had however before my marriage gifted my share in favour of my mother due to family problem with brother. The gift was given on a simple Rs.10/- stamp paper which was not registered.

a) Can my wife claim share on this flat ?
b) What is the amount she can claim from me as permanent alimony ? Can she claim 50% of my other assets like shares, cash Fd etc.?
c) Whether she can claim from the properties of father,mother,sister also.
d) Can she claim one room for permanent residence or can she lock it rendering it unusable for any other person?
e) Suppose I gift a substantial portion of my assets to my mother/father/sister before she files any type of court case, whether it will be legal? I want to make gift so that it will help them in their old age and marriage of the sister.
f) What safeguard should I take in this regard so that I am not faced with unreasonable demand?
g) How the court decides on permanent alimony case?
h) Can I refuse permanent alimony and instead opt for monthly maintenance till she is remarried?
thanks and reagrds

Anonymous   13 January 2010 at 22:16


Would anybody furnish the copy of application for registration for adoption of a child and its procedures and list of documents to be filed and the authority to file etc.

Anonymous   13 January 2010 at 21:36

Divorce U/s 13(1)(ib) HMA

I have married before 2 yrs.+8 months with a girl.
Being related to very High society family the girl decided not to live with me any more and she blamed my family members in society.
but till now no civil/criminal case was filed by her.
She is at her parents home from 2yrs. and still is there.
Now it is decided between us to divorce.
But bride side is saying to give D/D or Rupees(decided) to a third party.
Although the IIIrd party is our reliable but due to minimum 6 months of divorce U/s 13-B(mutual consent, the draft become invalid after 6 months.
And bride will sign in first motion only when the D/D or Rupees is given to third party.
So our Lawyer decided that we will give D/D to third party and then brideside should file petition U/s 13(1)(ib) i.e.for DESERTION.
and thereafter we will write all our conditions in W.S.
He said it will take only 2-3 months.

NOW my question is that IS it good or bad for us(groom)?If not good for us then what should be done?

Anonymous   13 January 2010 at 20:18

Divorce by mutual consent (SIX Months) HMA

Dear Experts,
Is it possible to reduce minimum period of 6 months of mutual consent divorce?
If yes then HOW?
and what is the probability of this reduction.
as I have to go abroad 3-4 months after now.
Is it good for me(BRIDEGROOM) to make file divorce petition U/s 13(1)(ib) from the side of bride.So that it can tackle in 2-3 months.
Is there any bad thing in it for me?
and afterwards we will write all the conditions in W.S.A.
AS I m giving Lumpsum alumini to her.