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Ramesh   11 February 2009 at 11:49


Dear Friends,

Property came to a person 'X' from a female 'Y',by virtue of getting married to lone daughter of Z'. (A Hindu Family)

'X'&'Z' ,Writes a will, Uses a wording:-

Quote------ "And where as the Testator and Testatrix who have mostly inherited the properties from late 'Y', the mother of Testatrix are desirous of keeping the immovable properties situated in village intact as far as possible during their life time and also after their death in memory of their ancestor 'Y'".------Unquote.

My question is:1) What is this property in the hands of 'X'&'Z',Self acquired/Ancestral.
2)Can 'X' &'Z' will this property to a Son denying share to Daughter,Who is married in the year 1978.
3) Can daughter ask for her share in the property,what is the course to be adopted?

I need an URGENT reply please.

With regards...

Ramesh   11 February 2009 at 11:48


Dear Friends,

Property came to a person 'X' from a female 'Y',by virtue of getting married to lone daughter 'Z'. (Hindu Family)
'X'&'Z' ,Writes a will, Uses a wording:-

"And where as the Testator and Testatrix who have mostly inherited the properties from late 'Y', the mother of Testatrix are desirous of keeping the immovable properties situated in village intact as far as possible during their life time and also after their death in memory of their ancestor 'Y'".

My question is:1) What is this property in the hands of 'X'&'Z',Self acquired/Ancestral.
2)Can 'X' &'Z' will this property to a Son denying share to Daughter,Who is married in the year 1978.
3) Can daughter ask for her share in the property,what is the course to be adopted?

I need an URGENT reply please.

With regards...

Pious Varghese   11 February 2009 at 10:45

Law for Christians

As per the laws applicable for Christians, do children have the right on father's or mother's self earned properties or assets or is it that they can claim rights only on ancestral properties.

and what are the relative provisions for Hindus.

Genius   11 February 2009 at 10:15

Married 4 yrs ago but not registered...


i got married 4 yrs ago to my wife in a small temple as we dont have any close one's to attend for my wedding....after marrying in temple...we did not register our marraige then we have one son question is can i register my marraige which happenned in temple 4 yrs ago ...i dont have any marraige photos or any temple receipt for to proceed from here to get my marraige registered...

B R 123456   10 February 2009 at 10:03

Domestic V Act

Dear Experts
My wife is separated from me from one year and I file a divorce in court and she file a Child Maintenance against me while she has heavy earning and working in Limited Company . She Taken all Gold and Jewellary and valuable Clothes with her but she file a Domestic Voilence Act on me and claim that all Gold and jewellary and valuable clother in my custody
Now my query is that how can I prove that she is taken already all these valuable things with her and these things are not in my custody


d   09 February 2009 at 18:12

dowry prohibition act

i have a moot prob regarding dowry act in which 5 lakhs was paid to the husband before marriage even when he had not demanded it. after 4 months of marriage when he wanted a divorce the wife filed a false dowry f.i.r that the husband and his family are demanding and pressurizing her for dowry.
he formed a SAVE INDIAN FAMILIES ASSOCIATION (SIFA) And filed a writ petition on its behalf challenging the constitutional validity of the dowry prohibition act.
can he do so and from where do i find the locus standi of the association

Rajaram C Iyer   08 February 2009 at 20:36

Format of Guardianship petition

Can I have a format of Guardianship petition to be filed in Delhi? Also let me know the court fee that is to be affixed.

With warm regards

Rajaram Iyer

Rajaram C Iyer   08 February 2009 at 20:36

Format of Guardianship petition

Can I have a format of Guardianship petition to be filed in Delhi? Also let me know the court fee that is to be affixed.

With warm regards

Rajaram Iyer

mura4u   05 February 2009 at 19:15

if the pouse is abscoundig since 9 years it leads to divorce

hello friends
if the spouse is abscounding since 9 yeas it leads to divorce according the law so am in need of the GO&MS copie so please send me the copie to me

diganta   04 February 2009 at 22:24

Divorce under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955

One marriage has been solemnised on 16th January, 2009 under Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. After two-three days from that marriage day the bride came back to her father's house and said there is some mental mis-match between she and her hesband and she don't want to go back her marital house. The marriage is not yet been regigtered under any Act, only socal marriage has been done. she wants divorce. Now in that setuation my question is as follows:-
1) The marriage is not yet been regigtered under any Act. so is it necessery to take divorce from the Court?
2) If it is necessery then how much time she have to wait for divorce?
3) What is the procedure to make this divorce if it is not done by mutual consent?