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SAMEER DESHMUKH   10 October 2012 at 08:52

Force removal of compound of plot and claim for property

Dear Sir,
my father bought property in Pune in 2004 from farmer of plot size 1750 sq ft. we put our compound in presence of land owner. but now in 2012, our neighbour has broken the compond claiming that this properyy belongs to him as he is not finding his 6000 sq ft. when we went to police station complaining about it, police told thatneighbour has complained before and then broken the compound. neighbour has also bought neighbouring proporty in 2000 but didnt had any compound.but now he is brings all gundas and threatening to us.
they has also broken our 1 room shade whihc is there from 2004.
This bneighbour told us that, he has filed case against land owner for property and till that, you cannot put any compound?
Land owner is in our side.
Please suggest what do we do?


Anonymous   19 April 2011 at 13:09

Daugthers fiiled case against Brother and Mother

My fathers sisters filed case for devidation of ancesytors property.
My Father has done there marriages and there further sadi choli and bought home and also did marriages of there daughter. and education for there daughters.
Also both the daughters took money 80000 Rs from my father 10 years back for leaving there rights and my grand mother and grand father was itness to it. but after death of our grand father both daughters went to court. One sister has given registered hakka sod patra to my father in sub registars office.
other sisters played politically, took money, refused to give hakka sod patra and also deniing for money which my father gave her 10 years back. my grand mother is witness ot it. but todays property value in crores.

SAMEER DESHMUKH   15 April 2011 at 14:08

Purchase of property

Dear Sir,
We are staying in a property from last 80 years which was from my grand mothers father. after death of my great grand father , they are 6 peoples name is mentioned on property card including my grand mother.

I heard that, ther are 2 options to make this on my name, but dont know which is more safe and unchallengable ?

1) Registered hakka sod patra from other 5 members or registared kharedi khat ?

What do you suggest ?

SAMEER DESHMUKH   15 April 2011 at 10:35

Registered hakka sod patra

A has a 1 SOn( M) and 2 daughterrs ( B, C ).

B has give hakka sod patra in Dec 2010 infront of registar office.
but now she is claming that she did not received anything while M is claming ha did her marriage exp 85000 in 1998.
Mu also gave 2000 RS IN 1980 for purchase of Home in 1980.
M also was giving monthly to b for Food for several years, but did not have any prrof.
A is in support of M. as he is witness to all the oney given and expenses don by M.

1) B claimed that she is illetrate by her lawer but , 10th passing certificate and her signature on hakka sod patra infrnot of Registar officer class -1 was proof M was saying.
2) B fild cas aginst M and A whio is real brother and Mother of B. Propert for which b has given hakka sod patra is from ansestors.


SAMEER DESHMUKH   12 April 2011 at 15:02

Sathe khat

We are staying in my grandmothers ansistors house.

It has 6 shares. the whole property in our custody from last 80 years.

what should be done in purchasing of this property on my name.

What is procedure to remove the names of the other members ?
My Mother paid money to 1 member and did Sathe khat Notorized. willthis be sufficient to remove there names?

SAMEER DESHMUKH   12 April 2011 at 14:52


My Grandmothers father sold Ansistors property in 1995. Nobody from familly was aware about the sale. my grandmothers father dided in 2003. after that my great grandmother step mothetr,step brother my grandnmothers name was put on 7/12. My Grand mother is from 1st wife of his father. but we checked now that there ames were removed without any information.
After this property sale my grandmothers Step they are not having any land ?
My Grandmothers Step brother was also not aware about the sale and would want justice ?
Request your guidance in approaching to this issue ?

Anonymous   12 April 2011 at 14:38

Sale deed

My Great grand mother purchased prperty in Koregaon park. She died in 1972. She didnot sold this property to anybody. but Now 2 years back , we found that adjacent person to our land has removed her name showing sale has happened in 1770 and she has removed her name in 2008. in this happening no body from our side is informed about. also i enquired at registar office, to understand 1970 kharedikhat or proof they are saying documents are missing.
Propery area is 66 Gunthas.