My brother intends to transfer a property which is joint in our name.
Kindly suggest a way to ensure that this transfer is permanent by law and cannot be revoked.
Should I go for a gift deed OR irrevocable POA with will ??
Can a irrevocable POA be revoked under any circumstances ?? If yes, what are they.
Kindly revert asap.
Gift deed executed on 7/10/2005 by grandmother aged about 75 to her grandson (d.o.b. 22/04/1996) as his parents divorced and both left him, and the grandmother is only person looking after the minor grandson. the grandmother is the legal hirer also.
now grandmother want to sell the property as she need money to survive.
so whether she need to file suit for revocation or can directly sale the property as legal guardian ?
what is the easy way to sale the property?
If in a divorce mou,husband relinquishes visitation willingly , can this issue be opened at the time of hearing of divorce proceedings though that spouse has signed in mou that non compliance of terms will amount to prosecution.
Bank recovered loan from guranter/surety , what remedy i have for guranter who deposited the loan of Loanee . Is there any law to recover loan amount from loanee who have raised loan.
under what provision of cpc or crpc advocate can be changed when one advocate give NOC
the accused can appear by himself in criminal case under what section of crpc
one of my friend is parking contractor and he is paying money and getting the contract from the principal what tax ambit he falls in
to construct a temple in the corporation limits or society site limits necessary permission from which authorities is to be obtained.
Dear Sir,
My mother purchased some property which I was quite young onmy name, she died some time back, now my father want to transfer it to my brother, which is in my name, how is this possible?
Totally 7 person formed a partnership firm
Two HUF person and the same person in individual capacity and 3 others totally 7
Only 5 person signed to who so ever concern i.e. As authorised one person to conduct the case
who is HUF and individual capacity partner
Whether whom so ever it may concern is valid in the eyes of law?
what document he has to furnish to the court To prove HUG