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Queries Participated

DHIRAJ CHANDRAKANT KUMBHAR   10 November 2013 at 17:59

How 2 escape from false offence registered u/s 304 a of ipc

Sir, me and my firend are working and assigned as a supervisior and project manager in one of field work which is been contracted to xyz company in which we are working by Xexon Company. Simultaneously the said Xexon company has also engaged a contract to one Zenit Company at the same site but some different contract is been assigned to that Zenit Company. And yesterday an employee from Zenit Company visited the said for some their Companys work and while so he was fallen down from 2nd to 1st floor and he got died on the spot itself, however no equipments and any kind of hurdle matrials had been kept by us on that spot of incidence. However though we r employee of other and died person was employee of other company, the concern police station suo motu filed an FIR against us u/s 304 A of IPC against both of us. So now what would be my ground so that I can easily get anticipatory bail

DHIRAJ CHANDRAKANT KUMBHAR   10 November 2013 at 15:19

Anticipatory is to be filed in which court

Sir an offence under sec 304 A of IPC is been registered against us, however no arrest is been made by concern police station, now we have to file Anticipatory Bail aplication, so my grievance is this that before which court we should file it. Either before JMFC or before SESSION JUDGE

denish   05 January 2013 at 23:54

Approach of criminal law in civil maters

I am employee of a Bank. In our bank sealed cover procedure is adopted in the cases of promotions if any inquiry is pending against employee or sealed cover promotions are cancelled if the employee is awarded penalty. I was once selected for promotions but it was kept in sealed cover due to on going domestic inquiry against me, and it was cancelled after penalty imposed upon me. I participated in next promotional process and again it was kept in sealed cover. Latest on 13.12.2012 in the meeting of board of directors my promotion was again cancelled on the basis of previous penalty on which my earlier promotion was cancelled. Penalty once and cancellation twice. I have come to know that the Chairman of the bank mislead the facts before the board with intention to get cancelled my promotion through the board and he is successful by disguising my earlier cancellation. What should I do ? Can I lodge an F.I.R. against Chairman for conspiracy against me with intention to harm me under IPC ?

arunkumark   03 January 2013 at 23:00

List of enrolled advocate with registration no.

which website shows the registered advoctes liost with their registration no. i had refered this clist few years back.please send the link/ address

priyanka   30 December 2012 at 16:08

Sec-156(3) crpc

If someone filed criminal case u/s 156(3) crpc and order passed for FIR.

Sir, What should we do and please tell legal remedies for it?

Akash   30 December 2012 at 11:17

Query on section 362

Dear Sirs,

An application U/s 482 in the Allahabad High Court was dismissed for want of prosecution as the counsel for the petitioners was repeatedly missing the hearing.

I was the respondent in the case.

Approximately 2 months later they filed for Restoration and a Counter was filed by me challenging the restoration on the grounds taken for restoration by the petitioners.

After some time the petitioners changed their counsel who in turn submitted applications for restorations again on the grounds that the earlier counsel was not taking correct actions in the case.

The restoration was passed.

Post restoration, a second application was put in for restoration of the interim order ( a stay on proceedings in the trial court). This was objected to in the HC with the plea that there was no interim order when the case was dismissed for want of prosecution.

The HC simply granted them the stay on proceedings again without mentioning anything.

I have two specific queries on the above:

a) Was the restoration legal as per Section 362 ( I believe the dismissal order for want of prosecution was a final order in the case)?

b) How was the Interim order restored as the earlier order had expired prior to the case being marked DiD ?

I eagerly await your replies to the above queries.

Best Regards


mrgop   30 December 2012 at 09:36

Can husband file for divorce if wife's divorce petition get dismissed on merits?

If the divorce petition filed by wife on ground of impotency and mental cruelty get dismissed after trial by court on merits, can husband file for divorce on mental cruelty submitting the previous divorce decree against wife as an evidence?

If yes, do husband have to prove anything except submitting the details of previous divorce petition filed by wife and its order against her?

Sundram N   04 December 2012 at 14:27

Divorce case can filed

Dear Fiends,

Kindly suggest that, Bail in 498a is in pending before the session court and other side wife filed maitenance case u/s 125.

in such situation, husband can file divorce case.

please suggest.

Anup Dave   04 December 2012 at 12:53


I am a NRI. My father has left many of his properties in Chandigarh and in some cities of Punjab, India. These are all the properties which he made with his hard earned money. The properties include two houses and also lands in some vilalges. After marriage I moved to UK with my husband. Now I have learnt from a few of my relatives that my uncle (my father's real brother) and his son are trying to illegally sell these properties and usurp the amount. Please tell me what should I do to stop these people. Also suggest me a lawyer to handle my case as I do not know any lawyer there.

Would highly appreciate any help.

gangesh   04 December 2012 at 00:00

Regarding getting share in fathers property

hi sir,
my father has done two marriage.I am the alone son of my 1st mother who is not alive father lives in delhi and the property is purchased by him of present I also live with him.
so I want to know that do i have any legal claim on this property being a son of his first wife or not because the property is created by him.He want to give his whole property to his 2nd wife and trying to make me away from his home. my age is 25 year at present