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Pankaj Pathak   06 September 2013 at 01:18

Forge signature in affidavit & vakalatnama

Please help me to fight in matter under crpc 340

sk..........   20 August 2013 at 14:37


I came to know that the suit filed is not in the pecuniary jurisdiction of junior court,pl tell-

1- will the suit be rejected.

2- should fresh suit need to be filed or
will the suit be transfereed to senior sourt.

e form   20 August 2013 at 13:16


how to get bail in Riots.

some sections are below.

Jai Prakash   20 August 2013 at 12:32

Gift deed and possession of property

Hi Sir,

My father would like to gift the self-acquired property that he has obtained during his life time.

I live in Bangalore, while the property is in Mysore. I understand that there is some clause that the possession of property should be taken to make the gift valid. As I am unable to physical possess the property, is there any issue with such a gift deed.

Please advice

Jai Prakash

shuaib zakaria   13 August 2013 at 00:13

Suit for partition

[ Scorecard : 49] [edit]
[edit photo] Posted about 3 hours ago

my grand father( muslim )died intestate in 1948 leaving residential property measuring

65000 sq ft open space with 5000 sqft built up commonly occupied by the family consisting of 6 branches

my uncles 5 branches and my father one branch , they got the same partitioned in 1971 via a registered deed

and the same is kept in common among all six branches ,

my father expired in 1975

now i have moved to court seeking partition with seperate possesion of my share

as the other five branches are claiming that my share has been relinquished orally by way of accepting cash

and also they are claiming that it is time barred for claiming share as my father expired in 1975

kindly help and guide and provide information on the same

Member (Account Deleted)   05 August 2013 at 23:40

Help needed

do before marriage affair considered in the court.. actually situation is that there was guy whom she chat online for 1 year as a friend, during this period that guy started liking her and soon the guy proposed her she said no and disconnected from him.after this she got married although she informed about this whole incident to her husband before marriage. after 1 year of marriage,husband knows the password of mail account and got that chats from where she don't know as she has already deleted them but now he is harassing her to give divorce or he will show that chats and prove her that she is bad charactered girl??

he wants divorce as he demanding money to buy property and her parents are not so rich so they can't give him more money..
she is tension that she trusted his husband and he is doing this such wrongful thing to her.. please reply

1. do before marriage affair actually not affair just online chatting with guy is crime and her husband as harassing can give her divorce on this and are they considered as proof, although after marriage she never contacted that person?

surjit singh   05 August 2013 at 08:27

Section 193 ipc (antidated judgement)

In a judicial proceeding the SDO(Civil) reserved its judgement in the open court and later on it came to the knowledge that the judgement is dated on same date. In the said particular acts it is specifically stated the judgement be passed in open court and that the limitation for appeal is of 30 days from the date of order.

Code of Civil Procedure says that when the judgement is reserved it shall be pronounced within one month with notice to the parties of his counsel. In the present case there was no counsel and the petitioner was appearing in person.

My query is (1) whether the petitioner in appeal can take a ground that the Judgement is anti-dated and it has violated the provision of the said act where it is specifically stated that judgement should be pronounced in open Court.

(2) Whether in the present case Section 192 of the Indian Penal Code is attracted.

raghavendra   29 May 2013 at 20:33

Sale deed


can sale deed can be done without consideration ??

Ganapati Mysore   12 May 2013 at 07:12

False criminal complaint to arrest

I live in USA. My parents back in India have filed a civil suit against my neighbor for partition of our lands. My neighbor threatened me that he will file a false criminal suit against me when I visit India next time. Can he file such a false criminal suit against me, and can he arrest me and seize my passport by bribing police? Should I have to stay in India till the proceedings complete? What precaution should I take to prevent this? Or can I file complaint against him first although I do not have any evidence for this as it was oral?
I sincerely appreciate your suggestion.

Pawan   07 May 2013 at 17:08

Revisional power of majistrate under sec 398 of cr.p.c

Respected Experts,

I wish to know whether Session judge have power to call records when procedure is not followed by the court.

Let me appraise you all with the facts of the case.
I have been charged under sec 21(4) of MCCR Act (Mines act) 1957. SDM being complainant in this case has confiscated our vehicle. Now issue is that SDM is listing matter on holidays only and harassing the us.

We want to challenge the callous working of SDM office.
Kindly guide me.