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Queries Participated

Vilas   10 January 2011 at 13:16

Company didnt paid me salary after resigning

Dear Friends,
I worked with an IT company in Jaipur for three months,they hired me on a monthly salary of Rs.31,660 as Business Development Manager.
The CEO asked me that he will be paying me Rs.18000 per month after two months for which I didnt agree,so he asked to resign and I left the company and came to Pune for job search.I got releiving letter from the company and was told by the HR of the company that my salary will be released with all the other employees.I kept in touch with the HR of the company she told me they will be releasing my salary now and then but now she is saying that the CEO is saying that they wont be paying me my salary for my last month.
I am having all legal documents like appointment letter, relieving letter.
Please guide me what legal action should I take to get my salary presently I am located in Pune and my former company is located in Jaipur will this be any problem for any legal action.

Looking forward for your kind reply.

Best Regards

Anonymous   04 November 2010 at 13:35

Sixth Pay commission

My wife is a teacher in one of the public school (which runs under minority act) G.H.P.s the school body is not ready to implement the sixth pay commission where as they have charged the increased fee from the parents on the pretext of sixth pay commission payment to teachers please suggest me the wayout of this problem and likly outcome of our action.


Sachin jadhav   02 November 2010 at 15:20

Company is not releving me as they have mention a 2 year of commitment in it

. I had join the company in Jan-4th-2010. In my Offer letter they have mention for the commitment of 2 years.

as well As per the Company Requirement I have done some Certification during this Period. In which they had mention for 2 years of commitment and if I leave the company before a 1year company will recovered the amount at pro -rate basis.

I had put my resignation on 21st Oct-2010. till date they are not accepting my Resignation and given me the mention above reason for the same.

Even though I had stated that you will recover the Certification amount as pro-rate basis in settlement.

HR has stop my Salary from this month. but they are not reliving me.
AS mention in offer letter for commitment Can company not accept my resignation.
Can I leave the company after 30days notice period as company policy ?

skg   19 October 2010 at 20:15

Whether holding experience certificate justified by employer

Dear experts,

In an ongoing labour case a company admits in its ws that they have not terminated an employee due to any misconduct but terminated him because of surplusage.

In this situation can they hold the experience certificate of the employee who is facing problem in trying a new job in its absence.

Also if the PO of labour court has verbally instructed ( on two hearings) them to give it then whether they have still right to hold it.

please give your advice and remedies with supporting case laws.


Anonymous   19 October 2010 at 13:37

Provident Fund

Dear Experts,

Kindly let me know any procedure / formality to be done under Provident Fund Act in respect of those employees whoes joing basic salary is more than rs 6500/= for getting exemption.

Thanks a lot

Deepak   15 October 2010 at 17:24

ESI & PF applicable on construction labour, contractor, Empl

Dear Experts,

We have manufacturing establishment in Delhi since 1980, and covered under ESI & PF act, and more than 20 workers are working with us.

Now, we bought a land in Noida and start the construction trough various contractors on the following conditions.

1. Including Labour + Material.
2. Only Labour Basis.
3. Only material Basis.

Some of the contractors having 5 labours, some have 10, 20, or more than 20 labours at site and they don’t have ESI & PF No.

my query is-:

1. Are the PF & ESI applicable on the above?
2. If yes. Who will be responsible to pay under both the act?
3. Is there any notification/circular under both the act to pay/coverage of these labours?
4. Are our Noida Building will be club with the Delhi unit for the purpose of coverage?
5. or this Noida unit will treat as a new/separate unit(there is no connection with Delhi unit)?
6. As we don’t have any PF or ESI nos. at our Noida unit (which is under construction) still we need to pay the ESI & PF to the construction labour?
7. Are we need to taken ESI & PF no during the construction period?

Deepak Bharadwaj