Many adult girls in India especially among Hindus get married against their wishes forced(emotional blackmail/physical abuse etc.) by their own father/family. Why it is not a crime by girls father/girls maternal family to force their daughter to marry a guy whom she does not want to? Why it is not ground for divorce when exposed?
Single Bench, having erronuously dismissed Contempt of Court Petition, there be bar on appeal, how can LPA being used for intra court appeal before Division Bench of P&H High Court ?
Dear all,
my uncle and aunty facing cheque bounce case, uncle is more with us and uncle and aunty are joint account holder of this cheque, blank cheque issued to a financer but handed over to third person by financer, now case is from third person, important fact is only uncle's sign is there on cheque. in this condition according to our lawyer the case will dismiss but complainant can fill case again for recovery of amount.
Complainant said that accused issued this cheque dated 10/1/2017 and they submitted this cheque in the bank on 1/2/2017 and cheque got dishonour because unsufficient fund.
My query is my uncle issued only blank cheque to financer but the third person is saying that accused issued this cheque dated 10/1/2017, what that mean by telling this because date and amount is written on cheque by other person not by my uncle, in my view if they said that cheque issued by accused dated 10/1/2017 mean date is also mentioned by accused.
Pls suggest
आदरणीय सर,
मेरी माता जी एक पेंशनर है उन्हें परिवार कल्याण पेंशन 10000 (दस हजार) रूपए प्रतिमाह प्राप्त होती है, मेरी माँ मेरी बहन और बहनोई के बहकावे में आकर मेरे ऊपर "माता – पिता और वरिष्ठ नागरिकों का भरण-पोषण और कल्याण अधिनियम, 2007" के तहत SDM न्यायालय में बहन के यहाँ जाकर मुकदमा दर्ज किया है | उन्होंने अपने आप को बेसहारा बुजुर्ग लाचार बताकर यह मुकदमा दर्ज किया है, उन्होंने भरण पोषण, इलाज, सहायिका आदि के लिए खर्चे की मांग की है और साथ ही मुझे और मेरे बीवी बच्चो को घर से हटाए जाने की मांग की है, जबकि उस घर पर मैंने होम लोन लिया है संयुक्त में माँ के साथ और उसकी हर महीने सात हजार रूपए की क़िस्त मै हर महीने पिछले सात साल से चुकाता आ रहा हु, मेरी माँ उस प्रॉपर्टी को बहन और बहनोई को देना चाहती है इस वजह से वो ये सब कर रही है, उसी प्रॉपर्टी पर मेरा मेरी माँ और बहिन से अपने हिस्से को लेकर माननीय न्यायालय में मुकदमा भी चल रहा है | कृपया अपना महत्वपूर्ण सुझाव देवे एवं मेरे लिए राहत कैसे मिलेगी वो भी बताने का कष्ट करें |
संतोष सिंह
Dear sir,
My Educational Original Certificate stuck in the company due to Company ceased by government . Company suddenly closed down. I want my certificate back without my certificate i will not get job. Now my current company is closed. When i apply for new job new employer asking original documents.
Kindly advise me to get the original document back which is stuck in the company.
Suit recover possessionPlaint filled in year 1998
Cavea application file in year 1999
Issue framed year 2000
Affidavit in Lue if chief examination in 2003
Written statement filed in 2005
So court allows to present written statement after commencement of the trial does it is not irregular procedures which need to be dismissed procedures?
After two-three days of lodging complaint under section 323,324,34, 506, a compromise was filed in the court. Now is it necessary to get bail of the accused?
Please advise.
Dear Sir,
I have lost my job in UAE and my outstanding loan amount AED 120,000 not paid due to don�t have that much money, currently iam India.
Iam getting the calls from collection agent from India.
Please advise what will be consequence Iam going to face.
They can file any case against me. Now a days I can�t sleep in night.
I have little property in my name and wife name.( it is registered under both of our name) is there is any chance that they can take over the preperty.
Please prove me the detailed reply.
Respected sir/mam
I am selected for a govt job in staff selection commision but in 2018 my name was in a FIR under sec 323,341,34, 506.
I was arrested and got bail in 1-2 hrs.
Then compromise occured between us and the complainant and the written affidavit of which was given to police.The I.O filed a untrace report and complainant agreed to it in the court and the report was accepted by the judge.In the final orders the word compromise was not written. And also a copy of compromise was also given to SDM for the closing of 107/151.
will this case affect my police verification and should i reveal this in my declaration form?
The police station where the FIR was filed is a different city than my home city.
thanx in advance.
Burden of proof?