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satish   14 October 2009 at 10:06

cheque returned

I had supplied goods to a party in kerala by hand delivery and not by transport against which he had issued me a cheque which was bounced by him and i have no signature or any sort of evidence of the goods supplied to him so can i send a notice to him for returned cheque also in the cheque issued by him he has written the amount in blue ink while the payees name as well as amount in words is written by black ink by me .so do u think that i am in a strong position to file the case against him and will all this factors matter while the case is on please reply
thanking you.

Jaswant Singh   14 October 2009 at 09:57

Mortgage Suit for Recovery

How an ordinary suit is different from the mortgage suit?

Jaswant Singh   14 October 2009 at 09:54

Mortgage Suit for Recovery

A Finance Company has an only office at place "X" which extended loan to the borrower and loan agreement was executed at a place "Y" which was secured against the mortgaged of the immovable properties situated at A,B,C & D places/districts .There is a clause in the Loan Agreemnt that the court at place "X" shall have the juridication to entertain the suit. Which court shall have juridication to entertain the mortgage suit for recovery of the loan amount?

Ganesh   14 October 2009 at 09:22

Registration & stamp duty

I had made an agreement with a builder to purchase a flat in an under construction building. I had paid some amount to him and out agreement was registered and I had paid stamp duty. Now I am unable to pay the remaining amount. In this situation the builder is ready to pay me the amiunt i had given to him. But my question is will I get my registration charges and Stamp duty paid back from the Government. what is the procedure for that.

vishnu   14 October 2009 at 08:35

Required Suggestion and economic reliable civil lawyer

Dear Sir/Madam,

Could you please provide me the contact details of reliable civil lawyer with whome i can share the things and ask for legal business solutions.


Arvind Singh Chauhan   14 October 2009 at 08:19

Amendments in central Act

Please tell me whether state govt is bound to follow the amendment introduced by parliament in a central Act or it requires special notification by concern state govt. to make it enforceable in such state.
New chapter is added in Cr.P.C. as plea of bargaining but magistrates says there is not any notification. whether it is so, while the amendment act specially provides that, it is enforceable in whole the territory of india except J&K.

Member (Account Deleted)   14 October 2009 at 01:05

Why not written our own constitution?

Why our past great independence freedom fighters (Constitution Committee)adopted contents of our Indian Costitution from other countries constitutions? At that time did they fail to write our own constitution as per our country's political, culture,social, economic requirements?

Please comment

CHAUHANMA   13 October 2009 at 23:43


Dear Sir,

Question: I have filed a Civil Suit for permanent injunction not to sale property of my deceased father, suit is against
remaining legal heirs, they have filed written statement alongwith an agreement bearing my fake signatures, what

should I do now? I have a lawyer who is pleading my case but I would like know guidance from you. Dear Sir, what will

be the next step? my email address is:

CHAUHANMA   13 October 2009 at 23:41


Dear Sir,

Question: I have filed a Civil Suit for permanent injunction not to sale property of my deceased father, suit is against
remaining legal heirs, they have filed written statement alongwith an agreement bearing my fake signatures, what should I do now? I have a lawyer who is pleading my case but I would like know guidance from you. Dear Sir, what will be the next step? my email address is:

Kumar Krishan Agarwal Advocate   13 October 2009 at 23:27


How The Arm Licence be applied by the ordinary man and what are the annexures and relevant documents and procedure have to be fulfilled for getting license? What are the fee structure , time and conditions for that ?