What is plea bargaing?.Is accused of offence u/s 138 of N.I.Act [dishonour of cheque] ask for plea bargaing?.
Resp.Sir / Madam
I'm final year LLM student,doing specialisation in Business Laws. I wish to make my career in Arbitration Law, pls suggest me what proper steps shold I take?
I don't have any experiance in this field, is it must? whether any diploma is available to get required qualification.
thanking you.
hello all learned experts
my client lodged the complainat u/s 406,498(A) 506(2) 114 and prevention of dowry act u/s 3 and 4 and demanded the recovery of the stridhan from the husband police demanded remand of the accused remand not granted and police declared before the court that mudamal streedhan is taken from her husband's home while she left the home of her husband court orderd in this way inspite of such order app not lodged the revision so complaiant given application to police for the revision then also revision not lodged by the police agency through pp afterwards complaiant given application to take appliction to the sp of police for the take action for the carelessness inthe investigation of the case of complaiant and revision till today the said application is unansweres what i shouls do ? domestic violence is usefull for it or other remedy in highcourt or in any other way note- husband with intention not accept any summons with the undueinfluence of the police pls reply thanks
hello all learned experts
i wnat the conviction citation under the dowry section 3 and 4 and u/s 498 pls provide if posssible thanks
hello all learned experts
i have lodged claim case u/s 500 of ipc against father in law who sent letter having written abuse words regarding the character and another things abusive now this case is on the stage of evidance the letter sent to m y client by her father inlow having zerox copy and only one paper sent original now when i take the chief exmaination on that time for the converting the secondary evidence ( zerox letter) into primary evidence i have to ask to compalinat after showing that is this ur father inlaws handwriting and u identu it if she says yesit will be exhibited am i right ? if differ inform thanks in advance
Whether the private institutions come under RTI Act or not
A person who is working either in private sector or in Govt. sector can enroll as an adocate to practice. To my best of knowledge, it is not posiible, but i would like to know whether my stand is correct or not
Dear Experts
I have a question. please answer with any citations, if available
A Chief Judicial Magistrate issued warrant appointing an Advocate Commissioner to take possession of a property, under Sec.14 of the SARFASI Act. The period mentioned in the warrant expired and not executed by the Advocate Commissioner
Can the CJM revalidate the warrant by extending the time retrospectively -or-
the CJM has to issue fresh warrant.
Similarly, whether the CJM can suspend the execution of warrant for say, one month or two months, for any reason. Is the CJM has the power to do so.
Kindly reply
I will be thankful and the answer will help me
Dear Experts
Chief Judicial Magistrate passed an order issuing warrant to take possession under Sec.14 of SARFASI Act.
Can the experts give valuable suggestions about the remedy available to the person against whose property warrant was issued.
1. Whether Crl.Revision before the High Court under Sec.482 Cr.P.C. is proper -or-
2. An application to vacate the order before the CJM is proper
Any decision-reported, if cited, I will feel happy.
right in property
in latest judgment of court daughter have same right in father property after married