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Tarun Goyal   02 May 2009 at 15:09

M.P commercial tax Act1994

The follwing is the provision of the M.P commercial tax Act1994
Sec. 53 : Tax to be first charge

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, contained in any law for the time being in force and subject to the provisions of Section 530 of the Companies Act, 1956 (No.1 of 1956), any amount of tax and/ or penalty or interest, if any, payable by a dealer or other person under this Act shall be first charge on the property of the dealer or such person

Whether secured creditors can by pass this provision and can get their dues as first charge on the widing up of the company. Who will get the benefit of the subjection cl;ause in the act

Tarun Goyal   02 May 2009 at 14:14

priority of charges

i would like to know whether in case of winding up of a company the dues of the saletax authorities under section 53 of the M.P commercial act 1994 will have first charge or the dues of the secured creditor will have first charge.

mukesh gupta   02 May 2009 at 14:02

fraud by life insurance agent and sales manager

i had given my cheque for the payment of my policy, but in order to get the commission your sales manager and advisor, who happens to be close relative of each other,have forged my signature and provided fake address proof and given me all together a new policy. Except my said cheque rest all is fake and forged even my signature. my 1st policy was for annual premium of Rs 50000/-. I get a salary of 2.5 lac p.a., its just impossible for me to have this additional burden of forced investment. when i contacted the BM/TM he says "take the refund and forget all this is vary common." if you assure me proper criminal action against them i shall provide all details. my only hurting is that this way in order to get money and sales they have no right to play with investor and reputation of your company. the name RELIANCE was formed by respected late shri Dhirubhai Ambani.Can any one justify the ethics. in case you can not help me i shall proceed in the matter as per the legal advice i get. regards what can i do in the matter

Heaven 2011   02 May 2009 at 13:37

Restart career

Dear All,

After a long gap in sitting with you all i find real pleasure. Sirs, i don't know when this era of sagging economy would end itself. Due to the present market meltdown i have decided to change my profession and to restart it as a business lawyer (or junior law advisor)in any organisation where there is a specific legal department or in any reputed legal firm. At present i have been working as a semi company secretary cum in house legal executive in a real estate sector. I perform all the compliances of corporate laws applicable and business agreements also; like property management agreement, cost allocation agreement, lease agreement etc (but i have not yet been registered with any court). Is there any positive job prospect for me in this market? Kindly advise. Is registration with court is a mandatory?
I shall egarly waiting for your guidance.


New__India   02 May 2009 at 11:35

Procedure to start a Computer Training Center in Karnataka

Sub : Procedure to start a Computer Training Center in Karnataka

1. How to start a Computer Training Center in Bangalore?

2. What are the procedure to get approval from Government of Karnataka

deepak   02 May 2009 at 09:58


Dear Sir,

A person is sending me stupid SMS and call me unnecessaraly where can i complaint aginsnt him?

deepak   02 May 2009 at 09:53


Dear Sir,

Kindly tell me what is Tanant Right aginst Landlard? and under which section we can get protaction? Plz also sugest me is there any Rent decleared by Law.

sampat mane   02 May 2009 at 00:18

Property Tax Assessment-

we have purchased a flat in year 2006 which was under construction and occupied it in 2008 after complete construction of our 2 wings. The builder had proposed to build 8 wings of which he has completed only 2 wings and rest he is not building due to reason unknown.

He had promised duringthe booking a maintenance of rs. 1.50 psft.Now he has beens sending a maintenance bill for Rs. 2.50 psft which also includes property tax.

We have asked in vain the account / basis of levying all these.

Who gurantees the property tax is paid?
We have yet not received any Occupation certificate?
He had promised various things while booking but have not delivered like garden, seating arrangement. his plea is that the gove authorities have grabbed the part of land meant for the facilies.

what are our rights? How can we fight?

sampat mane   02 May 2009 at 00:17

Property Tax Assessment-

we have purchased a flat in year 2006 which was under construction and occupied it in 2008 after complete construction of our 2 wings. The builder had proposed to build 8 wings of which he has completed only 2 wings and rest he is not building due to reason unknown.

He had promised duringthe booking a maintenance of rs. 1.50 psft.Now he has beens sending a maintenance bill for Rs. 2.50 psft which also includes property tax.

We have asked in vain the account / basis of levying all these.

Who gurantees the property tax is paid?
We have yet not received any Occupation certificate?
He had promised various things while booking but have not delivered like garden, seating arrangement. his plea is that the gove authorities have grabbed the part of land meant for the facilies.

what are our rights? How can we fight?

DEVENDRA   01 May 2009 at 21:56


One wants to get declare that the so called will is null and void as the properties mentioned in the will were not exclusively owned by the testator.
Can the plaintiff file his suit for declaration in the Taluka court ( Civil Judge Junior division ) ?