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anbu   11 January 2022 at 07:41

Selling a residential plt

Dear Experts,
I am selling a residential plot. Buyer and seller (Agent) made plain agreement that within one month, he will buy. Paid some advance. After one month he says bring me original. I am informing Original only after registration. Agent says, Registration afterwards. What I have to do? Can I deliver original without registration.

Anonymous   10 January 2022 at 23:59

Making changes in registered rent agreement?


I registered a rent agreement for commercial property in Punjab for a period of 5 years. The tenant took two floors on rent together. The entire agreement was made with two floors in mind, including mentioning of the combined total monthly rent, with increment for every year.

However, the tenant now wants to vacate one floor and keep the other floor.

• Do I need to have corrections / additions made to registered rent agreement, to mention the rent for just one floor, or can I simply get it in writing from the tenant that he is vacating one floor, while mentioning the rent applicable for the other floor?

• If not, what would be the cost to make such corrections / additions in the registered rent agreement, such as stamp duty and registration fee?

Sorry for being anonymous but it is important.

Anonymous   10 January 2022 at 23:35

Need advice on name change

Dear Experts,

I am looking for some advice regarding my name. Here is my situation:

In my passport and education certificates & degrees my name appears as "AXXX BYYY CZZZ" where AXXX is my first name, BYYY is my father's name and CZZZ is my surname. In other documents (Aadhar, PAN, DL, Bank accounts, employment records, Marriage cert, Property docs, child's birth cert) my name appears as "AXXX CZZZ" i.e. my father's name BYYY does not appear. When I recently went for passport re-issue the authority denied to consider Aadhar as proof of address due to this name difference. They asked to change name in Aadhar as per passport OR publish ad in 2 newspapers to change name in passport as per Aadhar. Now my confusion is whether to do a name change as per passport, education documents OR change it as per Aadhar, PAN, Bank accounts etc. I am leaning towards changing it as per Aadhar as there is a long list of documents with this name so I don't have to worry about changing the name in all those documents. Only catch will be that my education docs will have the old name. Also after I change my name officially can I revert it to old name again later?

Any advice on this matter will really help me take a decision. Thanks in advance.

visuiyer   10 January 2022 at 22:19

Gifting of property to nephew

I planning to Gift a agricultural property to Nephew, who is resident Indian.
On enquiry, I heard that I cannot gift a property to Nephew, (this may lead to avoidance of Stamp duty) and therefore, it has to be under sale deed.

The gifting of property is available or made possible only to blood relations; therefore the next possible way is only to create a will.

Now the querry is - is it so any legal law which says Agricultural property cannot be gifted to Newphew.. if so, how can I transfer the propert to my nephew. vetrans please advise.

Anonymous   10 January 2022 at 17:09

Signing of oa and annexures cat

I am trying to file a case in Central Administrative Tribunal. As per rules, copies of all annexes and OA has to be filed in triplicate. My query is,

1. Shall i sign 1 set in original and make further copies of the same?
2. Do i have to sign all the sets or signing one set and making photocopies for other sets will suffice?

Anonymous   10 January 2022 at 15:18

Transfer of leased plot (mcgm) from owner to society

Hello All,

I'm the owner of a plot in Mumbai leased to me by the MCGM (BMC). The plot has now been developed and a society has been formed for the constructed building.

I need to transfer the plot from my name to the society's name and I understand a conveyance deed needs to be executed. However, I've received an advice saying a conveyance deed is not applicable in my case but a 'deed of assignment' needs to be executed to transfer the lease from me to the society. If anyone could please shed some light and point me in the right direction, it would be of great help. Thanks!

krishky LOBO   10 January 2022 at 11:08

What is the notice period for resolution in agm?

Notice period for resolutions in AGM of Apartment Owners association

shyam lal   09 January 2022 at 17:27

Supreme court ruling/orders

I would like to know if Supreme court rulings/orders are to be followed by the High courts? or are they just advisory in nature?

karthik sivaraj   09 January 2022 at 15:06

Wife not interested to live me but she claimed maintenance

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hi, I got married in March 2018. I am working in abroad (at the time of marriage also), she is from Bangalore. After 30 days of marriage i returned back to job in abroad, every thing was fine but suddenly she stopped communicating to me after 2-3 months without any reason, (she was conceived at the time). Then i tried to call her, arranged visit visa everything but she denied to come with me and she started going job.. After baby (boy) born, their family not allowed me to see my kid (until now it continuous).. I keep on supporting financially whenever i receive salary (since covid starts i lost job for six months tried and get job later), I tried a lot 3 years to make her understand but she told her job is only important and she is not interested to live me., Then i keep quite sometime and also due to jobless situation again i could not able to support her (from jan 2021), I am still in abroad due to work visa expiry i cant come to india, she used this situation and moved to the court under sect 125 (b)., now 7 hearing completed from my side i dint do anything, recent hearing status shows "petitioners evidence"...

I request to kindly advice me what i can do now., even now am in abroad looking for a job. 

And she never live me, never talk to me, never show my kid to me (now he is 3 years)., how to defend this this.

(I have proof for whatever i sent money through online to her until dec 2020)..


Anonymous   09 January 2022 at 00:51

अनुकम्पा नियुक्ति

मेरे पिताजी की मृत्यु 2017 में हो गई थी। तथा मेरे पिताजी राजकीय पालिटेक्निक कालेज में थे। मृत्यु के समय मेरे दो बड़े भाई सरकारी सेवा में थे। तथा वह दोनो अलग रह रहे थे। तो विभाग मुझे अनुकम्पा नियुक्ति देने के लिए मना कर रहा है । कि आपके भाई सरकारी सेवा में है। क्या मुझे अनुकम्पा नियुक्ति मिल सकती है क्या?
राजस्थान में ।