Buying house which is owner by legal heirs
(Querist) 19 December 2021
This query is : Resolved
I am planning to buy a house which has a history as below
1. Property of 1200 sq feet is bought by Prasad in 1976 , he constructed 2 houses - ground floor and first floor.
2. Prasad died in 2001 and his wife died in 2004.
3. Prasad has two Children ( Daughter1 and Daughter2) and Prasad had made no Will.
4. Daughter1 and Daughter2 have made partition deed stating ground floor house belongs to Daughter 1 and second floor belongs to Daughter 2 and both own UDS of 50% of the land. they have separate Katha for each of the houses.
5. Now both Daughter1 and Daughter2 both are willing to sell the property together.
6. Daughter1 has 2 daughters (Grand child1 and Grand child2 for prasad), both are married and both have kids below 10years ( great grand kids of Prasad).
7. Daughter2 has 2 children (Grand child3 and Grand child4 for prasad),both are married and each have kids below 7 years (great grand kids of Prasad)
Do I need signature or Daughter1 and Daughter2 children's, that is from Prasad's Grand children also to buy this property?
Do I need to make single sale deed to buy this property or separate sale deed?
Thanks in advance for response and help.
(Expert) 19 December 2021
Prasad's children and grandchildren shall sign in the sale deed.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900
(Expert) 20 December 2021
Both the daughter has the property in their name and separate khata is also made in their name. So both the daughter are competent to execute the sale deed in the favour of the prospective purchaser. No need to take the signature of children.
(Querist) 20 December 2021
Thanks for response.
krishna mohan
(Expert) 22 December 2021
Since you confirmed both the daughters to be owners of the divided properties if the settlement deed is registered and sub division made in revenue records. You may confirm and draft the sale deed with the help of a lawyer specialized in property matters and proceed. Grand daughters if you wish can be witness to confirm the transaction.
4. Daughter1 and Daughter2 have made partition deed stating ground floor house belongs to Daughter 1 and second floor belongs to Daughter 2 and both own UDS of 50% of the land. they have separate Katha for each of the houses.
K Rajasekharan
(Expert) 22 December 2021
Daughter 1 or Daughter 2 alone can sell their respective property by their own signature. The signature of their children is not needed to register the sale.
Separate sale deed is necessary for each of the property.
(Querist) 27 December 2021
thanks for the details