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can I get passport ?

(Querist) 10 October 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Hi Experts ,

I have been charged with IPC 279 337 338 in bike accident case begore 2 years.I filled fine Rs 2500 in district court and case was disposed on the same day .there is no apposite party . I and my cousen fallen down from bike. And police charged me with above sections. Now I have submitted court order receipt with passport application to Passport office. Is there any poblem with my passport application ? Can I get passport and visa both ? I am working in mnc company it is required for me to travell abroad some time ... please suggest me with legal advice.....

pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Hi Experts . Please help
Guest (Expert) 10 October 2014
No Problem You Will get it.Waite For the Police Verification to be Over.Explain the same to the Police Official who would visit your Residence.Do Not Worry
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Hi Rajkumar sir thanks for the reply . Police verification completed I have disscussed same with police by seeing court order copy . He made a statement that case disposed . This means is every thing ok ?
Guest (Expert) 10 October 2014
There should be No Issues. All the Best.
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Thank you sir . I have seen "petty offense exception" for visa . does this make problem in visa ? Am I eligible petty offense exception creteria ? I am new to this forum . This is my last question . Please advice on this sir
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Please ans to my above question sir
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Sir please ans
Anirudh (Expert) 10 October 2014
The case mentioned by you will not affect your getting the Passport. You will get the Passport.
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Thanka Anirudh sir . I am now clear that I get passport . :-) but can I get visa without any problem ? Please suggest me
Anirudh (Expert) 10 October 2014
Once you have a Passport - the case which you mentioned will not be a reason for denying you a VISA. But whether or not you will get VISA will depend upon the country to which you seek VISA, the purpose for which you seek it, the policy of the country as regards grant of VISA etc. Therefore, your getting or not getting VISA is not dependent upon the case which you mentioned in your first post here.
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Yes sir . I agree on this coutry have their policy for visa approval . I am not sure . If any person convicted . There is a eligibility of "petty offense Exception" law for visa . Because I filled fine 2500Rs and convicted . I am afraid on this .what is your comments on this sir ?
pavan (Querist) 10 October 2014
Hi sir please reply for this
ajay sethi (Expert) 10 October 2014
you should not face any problem . it was petty offence for which you have paid fine . case is disposed of
pavan (Querist) 11 October 2014
Thank you ajay sir and all Experts.....thanks a lot

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