Can the appellant make an appeal now?
rajan nair
(Querist) 16 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
the RP filed by the OP had been dismissed by the National commission on 14/5/2013.
a) can the op,appellant can file an appeal before the national commission Now?
b) just because the OP filed an RP ,will he still get 30 days period for filing an appeal from the date of receiving of rp dismissal order?
c) or the OP appellant can move to supreme court only?
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 16 May 2013
Op can only file SLP in SC within 30 days from
date of dismissal of RP.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 16 May 2013
There is no scope of filing appeal before NC rather only right to SLP is available.