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cheque bounce

(Querist) 23 July 2014 This query is : Resolved 
hello experts I have purchased land for some amount in 1990.I have some balance amount to be given to him.gave him a cheque in dat year 1990 for the balance amount.DAT person is telling me DAT he will a criminal case against me for cheque bounce as the cheque got bounced for insufficient funds. please help me legally.
Nadeem Qureshi (Expert) 23 July 2014
When were you issue the cheque?
When was the cheque got bounce?
When was the person send demand notice to you?
Suresh (Expert) 23 July 2014
Nadeem has rightly raised the questions which would determine to understand the matter.

Plz make a note of this, that banks accepts cheque of CTS2010 norms only since 2013 as per RBI guidelines for clearance. I assume your cheque does not qualify these norms.

I would suggest you to consult a lawyer.
Advocate Bhartesh goyal (Expert) 24 July 2014
Your query is unspecific.Better consult to local lawyer.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 26 July 2014
Your query seems to be academic in nature, better discuss the real facts or come with proper details so that proper opinion can be rendered.

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