Compassionate appointment in indian oil corporation
Anila Nair
(Querist) 19 August 2017
This query is : Resolved
This query is made on behalf of my cousin who lost her father, an employee of Indian Oil Corporation, about a year ago. Her father's death was quite abrupt, leaving behind a family of wife, mentally challenged son and the daughter (ie my cousin). During the time of his death, her father was working in Ernakulam (Kerala) branch. Upon his death , the family was offered the option of compensation money or compensation appointment. Keeping in mind the family's current situation and her brother's condition, she chose the latter. However, even after several rounds of interviews, the officers seem to be reluctant to give her the promised appointment, instead vaguely strong arming her to accept the money. Presently, she is being somewhat being intimidated that her posting will be out of the state, away from her family. This has left her in predicament in the view of her family situation.
Is there anything to be done for this? Who can we approach for the resolution? Please guide me.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 20 August 2017
compassionate appointment can be given only upto 5% of the vacancies for Gp-C&D (lowest recruitment). These vacancies are distributed as per the criteria of most poor family. Your query does not indicate if the requisite quota is available for the candidate.
Your query is also vague as it doe snot specify exactly due to which reason the appointment is denied
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 20 August 2017
Apparently the Compassionate Employment application is on record and probably you have the copy and acknowledgment and also copy and acknowledgment of representations made so far.
Isn't it.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 20 August 2017
Hope you have downloaded the Compassionate Employment Rules.
If yes, post the same in the thread.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 20 August 2017
If the posting is received, she may meet / request the higher officials for considering to change place of joining.
(Expert) 20 August 2017
Your query is hazy.
If applied for compassionate appointment in the proper form, what is the formal response of the IOC? If appointment offered, your cousin can't be choosy.
Appointment depends upon the station where vacancy exists, not on wishes of the candidate.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 21 August 2017
The appointment offer/letter does not seem to have been issued, so far, as per matter posted by you in the query.
The official if pressurizing/coercing/intimidating to accept money then it is transgression...............
Apply your resources to get knowledge of available vacancies..........
Avoid head on collision and rather apply your resolve the matter in your favor....
These are hazards associated with establishment/bosses and one should preferably resolve with one's own skills...............
Anila Nair
(Querist) 21 August 2017
Thank you for all your replies. The appointment order has not been issued yet. As per the current status, they (IOC officials) have taken written examination of my sister. As she has completed her Masters in Commerce, she was expected to be given clerical post. But, so far even after several round of 'interviews' the officials seem to be reluctant to issue the appointment order, delaying it citing various reasons - from doubting her whether she will continue to support her mother and brother in the future, to her continuation after the marriage.. Also, though her family cannot be called 'poor' per se, her necessity of the job stems from her need to support her family, esp her brother, in the future, as latter is not in capacity to take care of himself economically. So, given the scenario, will seeking legal help will assist her in anyways?
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 21 August 2017
Have you downloaded the rules as asked in my 2nd post.
Per rules authority is also expected to perform its duty..
Isn't it?
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 21 August 2017
The authority is expected to check on indignant condition, need, and may also ask to sign affidavit that applicant shall support the family...........
The officials that have stake in Compassionate Employment has to mind their interest in their employment, their duties, errors/deficiencies and/or misconduct that can adversely affect them.......... and their employment..
Download rules and take help of competent and experienced colleagues of deceased employee, seasoned employee's union leaders, a very able LOCAL senior counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing inn service matters and having successful track record in such matters to understand rules and compliance's that you have to ensure...........