Death certificate and sucession/legal heir certificate in tamil nadu
(Querist) 02 January 2013
This query is : Resolved
Hi Respected Experts.
I am Suraj presently residing in Chennai having an ancestral property near Tiruvalangadu Tiruvallur District.My father passed away at 2001 and i have registered his death with the concerned Village Administartive Officer(mean i remember to have went to his office and signed in one his books regarding my fathers death.Due to my heavy financial hardship i left the village with my mother and sister(we 3 are the only legal heirs)to kodaikanal to work in a factory.There again my financial problems continued and have just been able to shift back to Chennai.Now i am bit comfortable.My problem is i have not applied and received my father's Death certificate,Legal heir/sucession certificate and still the land is in my fathers name.Is it ok for a land to be in a dead persons name and is there a limitation applicable to get death certificate-Sucession/Legal heir certificate-change of patta to me(or my mother and sister)?Thanks very much in anticipation.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 02 January 2013
you have been grossly negligent . obatin death certifcate of your father and make application for tansfer of property in name of legal heirs immediatedly . contact a local lawyer
(Expert) 03 January 2013
death certificate can be got on application any time by the heirs of deceased by paying fine as prescribed by law/ rules on births and deaths. For the rest of the problem, you may act according to the advice rendered by Shri Sethi.
(Querist) 03 January 2013
Thank you very much Shri Sethi and Shri Dhingra.i will act according to your advice
ajay sethi
(Expert) 03 January 2013
thnaks for your appreciation
(Expert) 03 January 2013
You are welcome.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 03 January 2013
I do endorse the views of Ld. Dhingra g.
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