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Dilution of law against hoaders

Guest (Querist) 26 November 2011 This query is : Resolved 
During TV discussions on PRICE RISE I often encountered Congress spokes- persons blaming the BJP led NDA govt for diluting the law to prosecute HOARDERS. And therefore present govt at the centre is unable to catch the Hoarders & punish them. If those HOARDERS are punished , as per the Congress Spokes person price of essential commodity will fall.
What is that amendment? When it was passed? What was its stated aim? And why can't the Congress led UPA II revoke it or get it cancelled through another amendment if they are convinced that it will bring down prices?
Would somebody elaborates?
V R SHROFF (Expert) 27 November 2011
Dear Hari,

Breaking our head on the sharp Dirty Stones of Political Parties, will only yield Blood.

Had price fall down any time permanently??

Do yo think they ever work for poor Indian public?? If price goes down, how will they fill their pocket, when traders's profit also goes down who pay them??

Politician stand on support of Traders, builders, businessman, who are profit oriented, and they support Politicians till they support them, or throw them out!!
Politician want to remain in power as long as he can!
Seen what happened to Sharad Pawar recently?? or Telgi? Do Govt recover Stamp Duty paid? can't they catch those who used those papers for registration of their property?? WHO CARES??
All this is very obvious, though cannot be proved. " Duniya Chalti hai, Chalne do, Itna Tension mat lo, especially when u r on Lawyersclub! Sant/ Mahatma & Lawyers !" What a difference, SKY & EARTH! U R ON EARTH ON LAWYERS CLUB AND WANT TO BRING DOWN PRICE FROM SKY? LET US BE FAITHFUL TO OUR PLATFORM OF LAWYERSCLUB. how lawyer prosper, if all price goes down, all became honest, peaceful, and nobody in tension or dispute at each other, and nobody have to go to court?? Then Lawyers will starve.

Any way, I appreciate your view & concern.
Guest (Expert) 27 November 2011
Indian politics is merely a mud slinging game. Parties just blame each other to always befool people. You cannot now expect any party to work solely in the interest of the common man. To gain power & position for themselves is always their sole aim.
mahendrakumar (Expert) 27 November 2011
dear Mandal,

apart from global trends in the commodity prices,all the political parties are equally involved in this,as almost all major parties in our country got opportunity to rule and make any rules in our country.

I do appreciate your views and concern in this.
Guest (Querist) 27 November 2011
Its beating around the bush. My question to the Experts remained unanswered.Politician bashing is the greatest pass time next to procrastination by the Indians.
I am sue some expert in this forum be able to provide me with the hard facts.
And for those who thinks politicians are only to blame for all that ills of this society breath fresh air outside your chambers and think more logically. There are more skeletons inside the cupboard. We all are to be blamed for the rots in our society. And it is we to take the responsibility to take it forward.
My simple question is to understand what stops Congress led UPA II to revoke that piece of legislation which in their perception is th root cause of price rise and may even be cause for fall of their govt prematurely.( By the way Abhisekh Singh vi is stated to be highest earner amongst ALL MPs. Is he enjoying a cut from the HOARDERS?)
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 27 November 2011
Mandal! clearly speaking UPA2 is most corrupt and ineffective Govt. India has faced. It has no courage even to accept its failures. It can do nothing but to abuse NDA govt. which ruled 8 years back. It is not understandable which laws NDA Govt. (which was based upon support of 24 parties) made which cannot be set aside by 2 subsequent Governments of UPA (placed in very comfortable support). Only spokespersons of congress or Govt. can reply definitely to your questions.

We only know that this Govt. should go at any cost.
Guest (Querist) 27 November 2011
Makkad! You have shown your true colour.With all shortcomings Congress led UPA II is the best we can have. RSS mentored Saffronised BJP led NDA can take this country back to so called Ram Rajya where KHAP PANCHYAT will have the last say.
Not-withstanding I need to know from someone neutral to tell me what was the amendment done during NDA and is referred to by the likes of Abhishek Singvi.
mahendrakumar (Expert) 28 November 2011
how will you identify someone as "neutral"?

most of your queries are beyond the scope of this forum,wherein people come with their burning issues for guidance.

if you are for political dialogues,try some other forum Mandal.
Guest (Querist) 28 November 2011
Pl do not try to be prophetic mahendrakumar. You have the option not to make your opinion on my query and the option to leave this forum as well.

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