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(Querist) 11 June 2010 This query is : Open 

My brother is a partner in a firm wef 01-06-2007. In last three year he had never provided any detail of accounts & now suddenly other partners demanded him to pay Rs.250000/- as his share of liability & decline to provide detail of accounts.

Now my brother wants to leave the firm. I want to know what are his rights ?
Want are the steps to be taken to resign from a firm ? ( Firm is not registered & and partnership is at will).
Can any one provide me draft of notice of resigning & advertisement draft.

As per deed my brother is partner for 20% share and his capital introduction in firm is 100000/- and other four partners are 3 lakh each. They submitted a liability statement as per that our share in liability is 20% while share in asets is 9%. Is this way of calculation is wright ?

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