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dowry, pre marriage harrasment

(Querist) 15 January 2014 This query is : Resolved 
Hi experts. Plz I need ur advise urgently. My sister's marriage was arranged with a guy in Dehradun. We belong to Panipat. First before engagement when they came to meet us they, guy's family said they font need any dowry. But soon after engagement they started showing their true colors... They asked a lot of dowry after engagement was done. Somehow my father succumb tobthem and we agreed to their demands of dowry. But looks lyk they never had enough. Now the wedding is due on Saturday, 18th jan,2014. And just today they are still asking a lot. When refused they said they don't want this relationship and said to come and collect whatever we have given. My father has spent his entire savings in the arrangements and he is under credit till neck. He was literally crying today..

sir plz help me wat legal action can be taken. I mean can we file a complaint againt them. Say for dowry demand or molesting my sister as , if the marriage broke just before three days it will be really difficult for us to find a new match for my sis..

plesse reply. Ivreally need some guidance. My brother is planning to take some drastic steps. I dont want to see him turning into a crimal. Neither do I know any political or social person.. Plz also reply at. ""
rohit (Querist) 15 January 2014
Plz reply and let me know if i have poster it at a wrong place. But few people on this blog has helped me erlier...
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 15 January 2014
What they are doing is indeed criminal acts.
I do not think your sister would remain hap[y with them.
Visit a local police station and lodge a complaint of dowry harassment against them. They should be taught a lesson.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 15 January 2014
If police shows reluctance to act, immediately visit the higher officer like SP/SSP.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 15 January 2014
Lodge a police complaint/FIR and approach higher authorites followed by Court.
Stop further communication and the relation.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 January 2014
This is a fit case of filing criminal case that too at Panipat.

the laws like 498a are framed for protection of persons like you.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 January 2014
you said

"f the marriage broke just before three days it will be really difficult for us to find a new match for my sis.. "

I totally disagree.

Do you have a choice to accept a dowry greedy match when they have shown colours even before marriage?
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 January 2014
you said

"My brother is planning to take some drastic steps. I dont want to see him turning into a crimal."

My dear criminal path is adopted by those who ar enot protected by law. You are well insulated by law.
Guest (Expert) 15 January 2014
What does you mean by 'say dowry demand or molesting my sister'. If it is so you can go ahead with serious steps thro various forums and keep their entire family behind the bar legally.And even if any compromise your sister would not live happily.
Adv. Chandrasekhar (Expert) 15 January 2014
First, do not send your sister in marriage to their house at any cost. Next, file a dowry case under Section 3 of the dowry prohibition Act, by moving a complaint in the police station. If the police will not take action, approach the higher police authorities and if they do not promptly act, engage an advocate and file private criminal comlaint. Now, you must be prepared two types of assaults - social and legal. Socially, they spread several rumours about your sister and you should prepare for that to give a fitting reply without succumbing pressures. Next, in the police station and also in the courts at every possible moment, you are taught that "not just taking, but giving dowry is also an offence". They quote S.4 of the Act. But people who give dowry cannot be prosecuted by virtue of S.7(3) of the Act. So be bold and send them jail so that not only they, but all those people like them will learn a lesson.
rohit (Querist) 15 January 2014
Thanks a lot for replying. We are planning to visit sp Panipat city today. But one thing I would like to know is, wen marriage broke up and we file a complaint under dowy act, would we be entitled for any monetary compensation. Coz my dad has already invested approx 6 lacs in it. And all the furnitures and other items which we have bought would now be pre-owned. We wont be able to recover any cost from them. And he really doesnt have enuf funds to do all this again...

rohit (Querist) 15 January 2014
Thanks a lot for replying. We are planning to visit sp Panipat city today. But one thing I would like to know is, wen marriage broke up and we file a complaint under dowy act, would we be entitled for any monetary compensation. Coz my dad has already invested approx 6 lacs in it. And all the furnitures and other items which we have bought would now be pre-owned. We wont be able to recover any cost from them. And he really doesnt have enuf funds to do all this again...

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 15 January 2014
You would be able to get a good match for your sister, be prepared to teach lesson for such criminals. well advised by the experts.
ajay sethi (Expert) 15 January 2014
file complaint under dowry prohibition act as advised by experts . they need to be taught a lesson .
Guest (Expert) 15 January 2014
The safety,security and Life of your sister should be more than the money blocked.
Adv. Chandrasekhar (Expert) 15 January 2014
Under Section 3 of D.P. Act (criminal case), you cannot recover the money. If you have solid proof that you spent the money by way of giving dowry and other gifts to them, you can recover the same by filing recovery suit in the civil court.
V R SHROFF (Expert) 15 January 2014
don't wait , as u hv no time 15-1 to 18-1;
Immediately go to Police & lodge complaint; Also involve women protection cell, Politics
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 January 2014
agreeing with Mr Rajinder K Goyal, I will add that you are not going to find a worse match than this one.

Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 15 January 2014
you can recover. Till scuh times the return everything the court may not consider their bail. Better consult local lawyer at Panipat.
T. Kalaiselvan, Advocate (Expert) 15 January 2014
All the experts have advised very properly and correctly. In view of the urgency of the matter, it is better to avoid the marriage now itself so that your sister can avoid an unpleasant and worst married life in the event of marrying such greedy monsters. A dowry demand and other related criminal offenses may be added to book the culprits. If the police are reluctant, take the help of women forum/commission who will be ready to help you, the matter while being taken up with the higher police official, please inform the press media too to cover the issue so that the groom side suffers damages that way too. Do not allow such greedy beasts to roam around freely without teaching them proper lesson because they will spoil another girl's life also this way if they are let out unpunished.

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