dowry prohibition act
(Querist) 09 February 2009
This query is : Resolved
i have a moot prob regarding dowry act in which 5 lakhs was paid to the husband before marriage even when he had not demanded it. after 4 months of marriage when he wanted a divorce the wife filed a false dowry f.i.r that the husband and his family are demanding and pressurizing her for dowry.
he formed a SAVE INDIAN FAMILIES ASSOCIATION (SIFA) And filed a writ petition on its behalf challenging the constitutional validity of the dowry prohibition act.
can he do so and from where do i find the locus standi of the association
(Expert) 09 February 2009
Yes, any registered association/individual has locus standi to file Writ Petition as Public Interest Litigation before the HC or SC. The Courts will decide the issue on merits.
(Expert) 10 February 2009
PIL can be used
(Expert) 10 February 2009
Yes, you appears to have given wise advise to the husband and locus stand can be proved in the PIL in this case.
Hiralal Das
(Expert) 05 April 2009
I do agree with the valuable opinions of the learned members. Thanks all of you.