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(Querist) 25 May 2011 This query is : Resolved 
hi everyone!!! i wanted to know one thing that after doing BA.LLB what should i do in order to get atleast Rs.80000/month......and whether punjab university is a good place to get my degree from? should i move to Himachal Pradesh university? or should i stay here? and i was thinking of doing LLM in Corporate Law from colleges under CLAT like NLSIU bangalore,NALSAR hydrabad....... am i going to get a package of atleast 10 lakhs?? please do help me as soon as you can.


PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 25 May 2011
Do LLM in corporate laws from good institution like NALSAR etc. You will get a very good job.
Shantanu (Querist) 25 May 2011
thank u sir,but do you think punjab university is a good institute to study from?
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 25 May 2011
Dear friend, don't turn to law field only for money earning.. You have lot of fields to earn unlimited money. But if you gave your dedication to our field mean you can earn unlimited money from court practise also.
Shantanu (Querist) 25 May 2011
sir! i have already completed my 1st year in BA.LLB,so can't back off now........and please do help me to know the secret of earning money
M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 26 May 2011
I hope, surely you know about our evergreen role model the great ramjet malani.. As an advocate he getting so many lakhs per hour, take him as a role model. You also can do it..
Guest (Expert) 26 May 2011
Mr. Tom,
The author wants to join service with good salary package, not to take up practice for money. In corporate world, he can get a good salary by handling their corporate related legal problems.
Guest (Expert) 26 May 2011
Dear Shantanu,
Your decision is quite appreciable. By joining corporate world you can enjoy a well settled life. Don't get disheartened by any negative advice. You must do Masters in Corporate Laws after LLB.

You will get success in the field of career where you actually have the passion.
Shantanu (Querist) 26 May 2011
@ Mr.P.S.Dhingra : thank you sir......but i am a bit confused whether to continue my studies in punjab university or move to himachal university because later on only my LLM degree would be considered.........and that too from NLSIU,NALSAR,or any other good college........what to do?
Guest (Expert) 27 May 2011
Dear Shantanu,
Both, Punjab Unniversity as well as Himachal University are good. Punjab Unniversity is very old university and is maintaining a very good standard, while Himachal University was branched off only out of Punjab university, as earlier in Himachal also, only Punjab University was conducting examinations before the establishment of the HP University. So the standards of this university is almost the same.

So, both are recognised good universities.
RAJU O.F., (Expert) 27 May 2011
Dear Friend who is now in first year of law, wanted to make maximum money, by becoming lawyer. For making money there are many other ways. And for a reputed expert lawyer, sky is the limit for income. But don't be greedy at such young age. I have heard, in olden days advocates would not demand specified fees. The clients put fees according to their wish, in a pocket at backside of the advocate's robe. This is the purpose for that pocket, in back of robe.
Shantanu (Querist) 27 May 2011
oh alright sir......i'll think of a solution for it........thnk u again sir

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