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External Plastering work

(Querist) 31 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
my society has gone for external plaster works, every tenants was asked to pay 40000/- in installment, but however most of the tenant due to financial obligation could not make the payment of installment. Society then informed all tenants that they will penalize 500/- monthly for not making the payment. However entire 40,000/- was payed to the society before the ommencement of plastering work by the tenants, some tenant still has to pay the amount . our plastering work has been completed recently. The society is asking the penalty of 500/- monthly for delayed months, from the tenants who has already payed 40000 before commencement of plastering works which goes to 4-5000/- as penalty.kindly advice.
Arul Kumar (Expert) 31 December 2009
Your society cannot charge such huge amount of Rs. 500/- per day as penalty. Pls approach the Registrar of Co-op. Society for timely action.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 31 December 2009
i think Mr. Arul is right, the asking of penalty is there some specific provision in this context?
adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 31 December 2009
when tenants have paid the entire amount to the builder he cannot ask the money for plastering. As Arul said complain the registrar of co-op., societies and issue notice to the builder for illegal demand.

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