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Father in law harrssing

(Querist) 25 April 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I am working in nationalized bank and I have applied for transfer to my home town. My father in low wrote a letter to my regional office for the suspension of my transfer as my wife & father in law is not willing me to be transferred at my home town. He mentioned in letter that we had forcibly taken an undertaking from my wife not to be held responsible us in case of her death while actually it is not true. He also wrote that I have started altering records to disapprove her as wife. But it is not true and many other bullshits he wrote in that letter. I got an explanation call for this from my manager regarding this.
Now my question is :-
Can we file a case against him of Defamation at official level because if he really had any problem then he could have gone to court of Law

Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 April 2013
Strange enough that your Manager has called for your explanation on a complaint of personal nature nothing to do with Banking. You can talk to your Father in law with the help of effective relatives. If the attitude worsens after transfer to your home town, you may face Domestic Violence or the dowry cases. In such cases your near relatives may also be in trouble. You may seek your transfer near to your home town and may visit frequently to your parents. What is meant by official level. If you mean it on behalf of the Bank, I doubt Bank will agree.
Vidhi Joshi (Expert) 25 April 2013
file a defamation case and even get the copy of the letter from your manager, as per earlier expert you might get into trouble if false DV case is filed prevention is better than cure
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 26 April 2013
The Bank does not have any right to entertain any such complaints if not related to your discharge of service to the bank. If there is no truth in the complaint, you can take lightly and attend the explanation call. If the call is in writing, you can as well say that the contents are false and ill-conceived due to family feuds and Bank has nothing to do with such personal complaints. If it is oral explanation, you explain your stand to your employer and also make it clear the Bank has no right to interefere in your personal affairs.

Regarding later part, you take precautionary steps to protect yourself from further harassment. But I do not agree with the view that you give up your idea to get transfer to your home town. You have your duty towards other members of family. Discharge your legitimate duties with all boldness.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 26 April 2013
You can initiate case of criminal defamation against your father in law on the basis of that letter.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 26 April 2013
I am unable to agree that bank has no right to entertain application of FIL. It is s Govt Bank guided by Govt policy to be strict on complaint of crime against woman.

Your query is vague. You have not disclosed what exactly is the complaint.

you have not narrated whether such undertaking has actually been obtained by you from your wife.

based on cryptic facts given by you it may be premature to decided whether defamation is tenable or not. For proving defamation you also have to prove allegation to be false.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 26 April 2013
"Your query is vague. You have not disclosed what exactly is the complaint."
borrowed from Mr. Sudhir Kumar words is my comment to your query.

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