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Illegal sale of land not owned through poa

(Querist) 02 November 2015 This query is : Resolved 
"A" files a suit in sub court that "B" sold the land orally no registration done & no receipt for payment made,after fraudulently "A"got PATTA , Hon SUB COURT dismissed "A" claim."B" got his land sub divisioned & new PATTA.'Now "A" with his old copy of PATTA registers a POA then files an APPEAL in DISTRICT COURT then in a weeks time sells through POA , the land owned by "B".When filed a written complaint in ANTI LAND GRAB WING OF POLICE they say appeal pending .POA registered before appeal ."B"files a petition before District Registrar for Annulling the POA registered by Sub Registrar.CAN THESE LAW BREAKERS TAKE SHELTER BY A CIVIL APPEAL FOR THE CRIMINAL ACTION DONE FROM POLICE.Advice course of action to take.
P. Venu Online (Expert) 05 November 2015
Why A, B, C,.... Please state the real issue, if any.

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