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Inam land under lease to army

(Querist) 03 January 2019 This query is : Resolved 
Inam land was occupied by the Indian Army

Inam land was occupied by the Indian Army illegally and constructed buildings. On proving ( by submitting the documents) of our ownership they have entered into a lease agreement retrospectively. Now using a clause in Inam Act., "that a person can claim the ownership; if they are in position of the land on 1-11-1973"., Laying their ownership claim on this lease land.
Can an Indian Army claim this; as they are under lease and paying the lease amount on the above said date to the Inamdhar.
Thankingyou ALL, in advance expecting Quick solution Please.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 04 January 2019
1. What is your locus standie / concern ?
2. Why did Inamdar executed lease deed retrospectively ?
3. Who has gifted (Inam donor) the land to so-called donee, implies that present landlord is not the actual owner ?
4. Show the title document to a local prudent lawyer for better appreciation of document vis-a-vis facts, analyse, guide and proceed.
Samudra (Querist) 05 January 2019
Dr. I failed to unstrand your barrage of Questions! Not only in my case please try to under stand..
In my case; OUR means, my Family land and in Telangana state Inamdar is the owner of of the land with some conditions ( If your are familiar with Telangana lands you must know this, if no please leave it to the persons; who are familiar with Telangana State Land Acts). From your question it is very clear that you donot know , the Telangana State Land Rules /Acts.

Sincerely i requst you to donot play with users of this site. I requst the Learned Experts of the forum to GUIDE me.
Sb Karma (Expert) 02 March 2020
If you have evidence of having lease amount from them(Army),and lease agreement too.Then As soon as possible consult with local lawyer to fight against them in the floor of Court.You will win.

But before that you can mail to the defense wing(which wing lease your land) by knowing their view regarding lease via mail,it will established your evidence in future.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 02 March 2020
Not only India Army but also any organ or department of any Government cannot claim ownership by use of he provision that if the owner/donor is in the possession of the said Inam/lease land as on 1.11.1973, then he can claim ownership because this clause is between the true owner/donor and donee/Inamdar and not between the Inamdar and his lessee. You need not worry as your right of owner to the Inam land cannot be got challenged by India Army on the ground of the given clause.

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