indian registration act-section 30(2)
(Querist) 12 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
A registrar in a presidency town registers conveyance deed covering property in a different state. He does not forward a copy of the deed to the jurisdictional sub-registrar. Consequently, no entry in the encumbrance certificate appears. Bona-fide subsequent purchaser suffers litigation from the original owner. what is the status of the property ?
Sachin Bhatia
(Expert) 12 October 2009
You can seek information under R.T.I.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 12 October 2009
Better u make a written complaint before Sub-Registrar stating full facts and if either no decision is made or delayed then file similar complaint with collector of the area who has got power to investigate and issue the direction in such matters.