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Job under compassionate grounds

(Querist) 31 August 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Respected sir, my name is VAMSI KRISHNA, my father is an employee in Andhra Bank, deceased in 8-1-2001. His name is (At that time he is working in Andhra Bank Kannavarithota Branch GUNTUR as cashier-cum-clerk). After death of my father we get some amount around 3 lakhs only, and also i applied for my father job under compassionate grounds, but still now there is no reply from andhra bank branch, at one moment we got a letter from Andhra Bank Head Office , Saifabad HYDERABAD initiating that we are eligible for Ex-gtratia consult and to approach our branch, immediately we consulted our kannavarithota brach manager and applied for Ex-gratia, afer completition of 3 months we again went to our branch and enquired about Ex-gratia, at that time they told that you are not eligible for Ex-gratia thats y u didnt get any amount.we also asked them to take out the full file of my father. But still now we didnt got any either job or exgratia in lieu of appointment from Andhra Bank.Here our bank union leaders are also not even telling us anyway and not supporting us so, please kindly do justice for us and kindly show any of the way for either getting for job or exgratia for us sir. Thanking You Sir, Yours faithfully G.vamsi krishna
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 01 September 2012
You are mistaken.

The best of sympathy with you family will not compel me to give a wrong advise to lead you to litigation expenses out of badly depleted resources. Prima-facie the compassionate job is not enforceable right. It is a Govt Bank which follows Govt guidelines. In your case the bank does not at all seems to be working ruthlessly. Compassionate jobs are given only out of 5% of Class III&IV posts (in direct recruitment quota) and comparative merit of the applicants is assessed. Remember reservation beyond 50% is not allowed as per Supreme Court guidelines. The Govt sector jobs are already reserved to the extent of 50% (15 SC+ 27 OBC + 7 ST). Therefore even that 5% is to be taken from the proportionately by vertical reservation from the respective share of Sc/ST/OBC/gen category posts depending upon the category of the applicant. That being the case the share if gen candidate is 5% of 50% = 2.5% out of total Class III&IV posts (in direct recruitment quota) , and OBC it is 5% of 27% = 1.25% out of total Class III&IV posts (in direct recruitment quota) , for SC 5% of 15% = .75% out of total Class III&IV posts (in direct recruitment quota) , and for ST it will be 5% of 7.5% = 38% out of total Class III&IV posts. No job can be offered beyond that limit even if the applicants are large number. The sots reserved for Handicapped, ex-servicemen and sports persons are also allocated in the same manner to ensure that horizontal reservation does not exceed 50%. So comparative merit is drawn based on the indignant condition of each family.

You have not indicated if a family richer than you have been given the compassionate job which refusing the same to you.

RAJU O.F., (Expert) 01 September 2012
Directly approach the Head of Personnel Dept at head office of the bank and apprise them your request. You may not succeed in getting job under compassionate ground, but they can give you some priority in future recruitments. Further, you can try to get his eligible gratuity and other retirement benefits properly.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 01 September 2012
Mr.Raju, they might have got the terminal benefits already.

Mr.Vamsi - compassionate appointments are very rare now in public sector banks - in lieu of the same, they are paying some compensation. First of all seek guidance/help from your father's friends. There are administrative circulars how to deal with compassionate appointments/compensation on the death of employee during service period. Since the branch which you are supposed to deal with appears to be small/rural, the branch head may not be aware of these provisions. Union people should help you, but many of them are not willing to come to the rescue of their members - this is due to unwanted people electing to this office or they themselves are not aware of the provisions. Since Andhra Bank Head Office is Hyderabad, better you come down with copies of relavant papers from the file of your father - like your request, branch manager recommendation/endorsement/forwarding etc and meet first the General Secretary of Union (I suppose his office in Hyderabad - you can ascertain the name and address from your father's colleagues) and then meet the General Manager (HR) in Head Office. If you forego your right on compassionate appointment, they may process for compensation quickly. First you have to decide either to claim compensation or wait for compassionate appointment till your turn comes. However, your personal visit to Head Office would give a clear picture. If you need shelter for few days in Hyderabad, since I am residing in Hyderabad, you can contact over my mobile 9490753458 (Jaggarao). But do not neglect the matter and pursue it to the end. My best wishes to u and your family members.
vamsi (Querist) 22 May 2018
Really so kind of you sir jaggarao garu. Till now also our issue remains same...Now PSB's are giving compassionate appointments. But cases after 2014 what to do i dont know sir.....actually my financial position was also so bad to go through court...I apparoached a lawyer one month back, but of not position of paying their minimum also, actually my mother was not feeling well, me and my brother was also working as small private employess.. so, i kept aside our case.....need anyone of kind persons help....
Guest (Expert) 22 May 2018
Have you Contacted Mr.Malipeddi Jaggarao. You should approach him immediately with out Wasting Time.
vamsi (Querist) 23 May 2018
yes sir, rajkumar garu, right now iam in that process...but how should i move forward sir

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