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legal consequences of principal empolyeer

(Querist) 14 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Respected Experts,

Please advise, if principal empolyeer( Central Govt dept indian Air force) not registered with apporipriate Govt for issuing registration certificate u/s 7 of the labour contract Act (abolition & regulation Act 1970 and the legal consequences if principal emoplyeer with out being registered issue Form v to the the labour contractor for registering with apporiate govt i.e assisatnt labour commissioner (central). Whether defense establishments are exempted for registration for out sourcing thier conservancy services to the lience contractor who is registered with local authority.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 14 December 2009
Yes. Defense establishments are exempted for registration for out-sourcing their conservancy services to the licencee contractor, who is registered with any of the local authority.
eswarkumarpotti (Querist) 15 December 2009
Respected Raj kumar Sir,

Thanks for giving your valuable advise.

1.Please tell about the rule position of said exemption of defense estblishments. if, any notification issued by the GOI in this regard and date of notification, as the ALC (C) is not co opreating with us.

2.Nowhere, in the ACT mentionted this exemption clause and where it was notified.

3.Please eduate me on the a/m points.

4. With out being registered ,if principal empolyeer issued form v, then any penal provisions attracted aganist the Govt est.(defense Est.)

Thanking you once again Sir,

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