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Manufacturing license for handmade soap

(Querist) 03 February 2011 This query is : Resolved 
For manufacture of handmade soaps , do i need any manufacturing license from any authority ?

Is it required , under which law?
Basavaraj (Expert) 03 February 2011
yes it is required,

let us your handmade soap formations (ingredients), so that I can advice.
Nivedita (Querist) 03 February 2011
Dear Sir,

Can you let me know under which Act/ Notification etc.....i will check that Thanks a lot.
Basavaraj (Expert) 04 February 2011
see already your query was solved in this forum.

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Category : Business Law | This query is : resolved

author : Bijoyadityaa Mukherjee

Posted On
13 January 2011

I plan to sell my homemade cold process soaps ( yes! I make them myself at home). I already have a consumer trading license. Do I need to have a manufacturing license as well? What other legalities/formalities do I need to complete to sell my product? Any help will be deeply appreciated.
Thank you.

P.S. A note about cold process soaps

Just as the name suggests, the cold process method of soap making does not require heat to create soap. With this method the lye, an essential ingredient in soap making, is blended with the oils/fats called for in the recipe in order to initiate saponification - the name for the reaction that forms soap from the combination of oils/fats and lye. After saponification, the soap is allowed to cure for several weeks to reduce its moisture content and then used.

Expert : Devajyoti Barman

Posted On
13 January 2011

IIf you manufacture the soap frpm any locality wthin the jurisdiction of KMC then you must obtain Trade License and other necesary certificate from Pollution Control Board speciaaly if the location is n any residential area.
You should immediiately apply for registration under Trademark Act for your trade name as well.

author : Bijoyadityaa Mukherjee

Posted On
14 January 2011

Thanks Devajyoti,
I already have the trade license. What I am unclear about is whether I need a manufacturing license for making and selling HANDMADE/HOMEMADE. Aren't there any concessions for home based industries?

Expert : Uma parameswaran

Posted On
14 January 2011

It will come under small scale industries. You have to take license in that effect.

Expert : R.Ramachandran

Posted On
14 January 2011

You can avail exemption from Registration with the Central Excise Authorities if you satisfy the conditions as prescribed in Notification 36/2001-CE (As amended from time to time.)
Please see the attached Notification.

Attached File : 34_ce_notification.doc downloaded 13 times

author : Bijoyadityaa Mukherjee

Posted On
14 January 2011

Thank you so much Mr Ramachandran.

Expert : malipeddi jaggarao

Posted On
15 January 2011

Contact the District Industries Centre in the headquarters of your district for proper guidance.

author : Bijoyadityaa Mukherjee

Posted On
15 January 2011

Thank you all. This has been a great help. Take care!
R.venkatesh Naidu (Expert) 04 February 2011
you must be got the licience for some excemptions and subsidies from the government, so, better you go to district industries centres in concern district, they will guided you for further proceedings. Because your business is treated under small scale industries or self employment. So they will give proper guidence to you. Then you will got proper licence and proceed further. Wish you all the best.

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