order by BSNL to other telephone service providers
S. Raghuraman
(Querist) 12 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
Kindly clarify:
I have not settled the final bill from BSNL for Rs.2222/- before my request for disconnection. I requested them to adjust the bill against my deposits totalling in all to around Rs.3000. Their records show only Rs.500/- to my credit before adjustment of the said bill. They claim that they have the right under the Indian Telegraphs Act to get terminated the services provided to me by other service providers in case I do not pay the said sum early. Do they have this right?
(Expert) 12 October 2009
Yes BSNL is right in their statement.
If you have any disagreement or dispute with BSNL you shall raise it under section 7B of the Telegraph Act by way of Arbitration.
It is the only remedy available for you.
(Expert) 12 October 2009
Agree with Krishna.