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Pasupu kunkuma gift to daughter in telagana

(Querist) 19 October 2020 This query is : Resolved 
respected sir
my question is the only daughter in family was given ancestral joint Hindu family landed property by karta at the time of marriage in the form of pasupukunkuma by writing a unregistered document later said daughter sold that land to third party and Now same daughter is claiming share in joint property of family which includes father and his 2 sons only by virtue of hindu sucession act amendment of 1985 and section 6 of hindu sucession act 2005?
now daughter filed suit in court
now what share will daughter would get in suit if properties are still joint?
does gift of pasupukunkuma given at the time of marriage is counted as her share while deciding share as per succession act ? or new share is separate ? the share in suit is addition to gift at the time of marriage ?
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 19 October 2020
Gift at the time of marriage has no relevance while partitioning the propertes among the legal heirs.Forget about it as it cannot be taken back or cancelled.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 20 October 2020
Un registered gift of immovable property may not be legal, document need to be referred.

Show all related documents to local lawyer and discuss in detail.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 20 October 2020
It is not a valid Gift though given at the time of marriage in my view. Without the mother document, how can a third party purchase the land? So obtain EC from the Sub Registrar concerned and then consult a local lawyer for guidance.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 21 October 2020
Repeated at
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 21 October 2020
Repeating is not a good habit, avoid.

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