Pejury and defamation to fight-back false d/v complaint
(Querist) 23 October 2018
This query is : Resolved
A false d/v case was filed by my son’s wife. I, as R-3 (Party in person) submitted several evidences, like Police Control Room Report, telephonic conversation about atrocities committed by her father including bundling her into an asylum – which are incontrovertible and unimpeachable evidences. Evidently the d/v is by indoctrination and conspiracy with her father. She became greedy and filed the d/v complaint.
1) I had submitted an application for dismissal of d/v complaint on the ground of being time-barred, meaning filed after more than 1 ½ years when there was no domestic relationship in existence. Whereas S-468 CrPC and case laws, the complaint should have been filed within 1 years. [ STATUS: PENDING].
2) I submitted an application from exemption from personal appearance due to my age (70 years) and asthmatic problem. [STATUS: LISTED FOR DECEMBER]
if I file application for PERJURY & DEFAMATION before reaching finality, can it stand.
A considered opinion and guidance of experts shall be of much help to decide my next course of action. Opinion of experts had been of much help in the past. I am an advocate, but cannot be a judge in my own case and third party opinion is of much help.

(Expert) 23 October 2018
Nothing in above reveals any innocence of yours or any crime by your sons wife. DV Act is to provide relief to woman.That is all. It is not regular law. What you are saying is meaningless. Shed your male ago and patch up with her through your son.She is your sons wife your best wisher and best friend in life and perhaps will be only one left when you get very old. Ego tussles are main causes here .your son acting dummy or powerless . Instead file FIR against your father in law for purposeful and without permission entry and provocation of your wife and disturbing peace . It is seen 90% cases are caused by greedy brother in laws or sisters or arrogant interfering over protective parents brothers sisters of girl or even neighbors . They should remind themselves of adage. Kanyadan. ker diya khatm. keep a watch and enter through law if needed at any point.
Dont make fun of yourself and same with you sons wife. ask her to talk to me on phone 9413782645 or give her number to me on above by whats app/sms. let me talk and hear if she is willing to open up A lawyer or a social service expert cannot help unless details are known and causes underlying are known.MY ADVISE TO YOU BOTH .save your home peace forget everything. Make this small life we got beautiful and loving. Work positively.Both of you treat each other with mutual and same respect.women now not play second fiddle role .Tussle in bahu and sasur is rare . come out of your dirty male chauvinistic ego nature . Too much salaries to young boys now a days paid in a big multinational conspiracy so are the laws like eliminating gays laws and extramarital affairs form crime is a planned attack to destroy our society. law and social realities cant be separated. It is time of sunny leonnies. Laws emerge from that ..Law is just codified conscience culture and common sense and to save individual, his property rights, and dignity of living ..There is no other pillar of law.Many lawyers talk of cold blooded law. but how law is made they also should keep in mind.90% lawyers in at least matrimonial cases (you too are lawyer )try to resolve matters and dont go for greed I know,. They are also family men and have daughters and sons. Let us all learn to respect and live with each other.Treat your . Talk to her father/mother and apologies if any mistake on your part. It is impossible he wont melt. Otherwise you sure have some monkey to hide in you self .details are required specially in your type cases .Excuse me for very curt response you being highly literate legal personality. It is good for society and our pigtail sporting western looking overpaid young generation if they get a job if at all. And those in govt service becoming cheap arrogant and corrupt form day one of salary forgetting they were roaming on roads 10 days ago. No shame.It is second nature of public servant in India. Liberty with no strings attached no accountability.Police incidentally I view as uniformed gunda force and should be set right now by tough laws training and dismissals and jails.Please note In all cases it is mandatory now for reconciliation attempt by judges and lok adalats. Hence my response is framed that way,.
This was kind of general advise for all youngsters.
Now since you are aged person and a lawyer too ,all that is happening is very very odd and funny and there is some thing some monkey to hide somewhere. May i ask how you lived so long with her and now what happened? Unless you honestly share causes with us and court , nothing will come out . You know it very well being a lawyer. Sir uphold dignity of this profession at lest in your own life. I see rot all around and I am pained. I am also an arbitrator engineer being FIE and social worker and have handled hundreds of cases of social nature. Curretly I have three DV aces looked fater for some women and even high courts refused them relief as tese were more of civil nature and ego issues.Greed,provocation and ego are three factors found common in all homes .Your appears to be generation gap and typical bahu living alone in a nuclear family case.Most girls of today forget to respect in laws as parents now a days You have to treat bahu as friend and equal and daughter and hand over charge of home and property to them.Please I request sincerely with folded hand dont Practice law at home itself , and avoid ridicule at this age. Hug your wife with a flower and say sorry. aajkal #Meetoo bhi chal raha hei ? . ha ha. any way it was just to lighten matter.You know any mallik has to resign form judge of Indian idol at this age
In India today too much of easy money have come suddenly in last 12 years (including lawyers and doctors and property owners ) Indians were not used to for centuries and modern life of gadgets ,ambitions are deep cause of troubles in every home and society even in old people homes.Old people are divorcing, becoming parents, and remarrying . We are forgetting our Hindu edicts of 4 stages of life. At what stage you are , decide ? Answer yourself all questions sitting in deep medition before your favorite god .or go to confession box in church if you wife does not accompany go alone.Since you are still elder to me , kindly excuse me forgive of any thing was offensive . I spoke my hear out
(Querist) 23 October 2018
Excuse me real L/C experts.
I regret to respond as such dear " Dr. expert" sir for the simple reason that - Your note LACKS PROFESSIONALISM. The note is OFF THE MARK WITHOUT APPLICATION OF MIND AND IRRELEVANT TO THE FACTS IN ISSUE and impractical in the given facts and circumstances of incorrigible people in the present day world and hence serves no useful purpose. It seems you are living in imaginary world without practical approach though stated otherwise - business?
At the same time I am grateful to the real experts of Lawyers Club who used to be a good guide in the past and I once again express my sincere thanks to them. I benefited from their collective wisdom and they helped me to separate corn from chaff.

(Expert) 23 October 2018
your ego as a lawyer towards a non lawyer is very clear . Possibly your too much money this akad of being lawyer and knowing everything is perhaps root cause of your soul.I still wish you all the best. just keep i Mind .laws are made by people and parliament not only lawyers. lacs of citizen in India are much superior as lawyers if they practice. law is never cold blooded. Law like any other knowledge is not property of a few degree holders of a university;Knowledge is an ocean any one can swim
My hard words offended you but I now firmly believe you have arrogance of age and profession and super ego and you sure have monkey to hide.All the best sir . I will still address you respectfully because I respect lawyers a lot as keepers of order in society and as I am not lawyer so dont insult well wishers. You put question and i opted to answer as I felt best for you all.Words were tough and straight which i acknowledged in content itself . I now very much want to have interaction with your daughter i law if she is willing to talk on phone . Thank you for nice compliment very skill fully parrying all relevant queries put by me. You are wise and clever professional. God bye
(Querist) 24 October 2018
Ld. first expert lacks professionalism.
Ld. second expert - i have already stated the reason for coming to the forum, because interalia one cannot be a judge in his own case . It is not a crime to discuss matter in the circumstances. Even though according to you it is laughable.
(Querist) 24 October 2018
evidences with me are incontrovertible and unimpeachable and d/v is for making easy money by making the wife as a tool by indoctrination. even if the lower court does not accept, superior courts will definitely accept it, from my experience. Even lower court had come down heavily on the opposite party, but not reached finality.

(Expert) 24 October 2018
good luck sir.But again you passed judgment on panelists here instead of focusing on advise and putting counter questions for clarification. I have to now say you yourself are misbehaved and unprofessional personality YOURSELF eve though in logical profession. Control your tongue at home too.Become good listener. You dont know basic courtesy of attending forums and chatting. . You asked no specific legal point form experts .Passing personal marks and evaluating otter experts here .. You are negative arrogant have acquired age related eccentricity and ego and tend to be dominating. check this list .It will help if you if my assessment is even 50% correct..Alright this matter stands closed and best wishes for our success and piece to all.I strongly believe in constitution and our core of judicial system .
(Querist) 24 October 2018
you r new to this forum. even though you are old you do not realise your natural draw backs. Sheershasanam is good for you to come to senses so that blood flows to brain. expert opinion is not telling stories or preparing thesis for PhD.

(Expert) 24 October 2018
Advocate Prasanna sir see his remarks about me two steps above .he appears to be having some psychological problem. Jumping with a law degree he managed to get somehow as if he got diamond treasure .instead of discussing his points and properly seeking advise he is non stop and like a big idiot degrading other experts where passing personal remarks non stop. He hardly is literate .A fake guy and he is sure to run into more trouble with his DIL. He wont change he cant at this age . He is manner less non professional chavvani type lawyer having only ego and arrogance no civilized behavior. Let us not waste time on such wrecks. Close the topic please . he is not fit to be advised too. Moreover he has not put up crucial information and what he ants form experts here. Only throwing his weight around and degrading other experts .he lacks basic decency and how to discuss with others and chat . Only superficial arrogance and ego. This is perhaps cause of his trouble at this stage. I could have give tough befitting reply. But not interested to join such fools into arguments.Sic! we are here to discuss law not personal things of p[panelists and show out greatness.The LCI is not meant for this .Let us preserve status of forum >Just ignore such odd cases and leave therm to care of god .The topic stands closed now