Regarding back fee taken by private dental college other than annual fee of 4 years
dr anil palod
(Querist) 10 April 2012
This query is : Resolved
respected sir,
i am in a private dental college of madhya pradesh.i have completed my BDS course of 5 years from my college.In the 4th year of my course i got failed and reappeared for the next exam which held after 1 month of previous exam and got cleared.Now after completion of my internship my college is asking me to deposit fee for that extended period i.e. half of my annual fee 1,10,000.they are askin me to pay 55,000/- and after paying that fee only they'll give me my internship completion certificate, by which i can apply for my degree and my original documents (marksheet of 10th n 12th etc).
i wanted to know is there any rule of back fee which my college is demanding for?
shall i pay that fee?
ajay sethi
(Expert) 10 April 2012
you ahve already completed 4 years of dental course . the amount demanded is exhorbitant .
take completion certificate make payment and then file complaint before regulatory authorities /consumer forum
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 10 April 2012
You can issue a legal notice to the institute to release your certificates and other documents. In case of failure, then you have to approach the concerned university and subsequently, if the university too fails, then you have to approach the high court.
Deepak Nair
(Expert) 10 April 2012
You are always welcome
Shonee Kapoor
(Expert) 10 April 2012
Rightly advised.
Shonee Kapoor