Registration of mortgage deed
Siddhant Midha
(Querist) 13 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Dear Sir,
I have two properties One in Noida and other one in Gurgaon. I have executed a single mortgage deed for the both the properties.
Can the mortgage deed be registered with an one of the Registrar's of Noida or Gurgaon where the property is situated or I will have to execute two different mortgage deeds since they are in different jurisdictions.
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 13 July 2016
Execute separate deed for each property.
rajeev sharma
(Expert) 13 July 2016
if you get two document registered for same loan at two places it will amount to paying double stamp duty. if you have the title document of both properties then create equitable mortgage.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 15 July 2016
Two mortgage deed has to be executed and registered as the property is under separate jurisdiction.
You can prefer Mortgage by deposit of title deed / equitable mortgage which is cheaper and easier process.