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Rights regarding RTI

(Querist) 21 September 2017 This query is : Resolved 
I am an employee of state govt. One of my relatives has sent RTI against me many a no.of times . Although we have given all the replies respectively , still he is trying to trouble me by filing RTI repeatedly . Now it is really becoming troublesome for me as there are some family issues thats why he is doing this to obtain some personal benefit from my information . Also it has turned to be an embarassing situation everytime.
I want to know what are my rights so that i can protect myself in this situation.
How can i protect my rights and privacy?
Whom shall i contact to file any plea for this situation ?
Please suggest some solutions so that i can empower myself and fight for the right .
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 21 September 2017
Thr information available with the emplyer need to be furnished subject to the provisions containec in the Act.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 21 September 2017
Any personal information regarding an employee need not be disclosed without your written consent.

Section 8(j) of the RTI Act 2005 (information not to be provided)

(j) information which relates to personal information the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public activity or interest, or which would cause unwarranted invasion of the privacy of the individual unless the Central Public Information Officer or the State Public Information Officer or the appellate authority, as the case may be, is satisfied that the larger public interest justifies the disclosure of such information:
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 21 September 2017
I agreed with Mr.R.K.Goyal ji.
Guest (Expert) 21 September 2017
Which type of information is sought about you? Any general information about you can be furnished if asked through RTI.

Neetu Singh (Querist) 21 September 2017
Thanku for the suggestion . In the reply to previous RTI , i have quoted the above sections of the RTI Act 2005 . But again he has filed RTI stating that information act is made to maintain transparency and remove corruption in the country . And thus his irrelevant questions too needs to be answered . And i have no other option than to send a reply . I am afraid that he may cause threat personally .
Please suggest if i can approach to any higher authority for redressal and put a full stop to this letter game . It has been one year that i am facing this .
I will be really thankful .
Neetu Singh (Querist) 21 September 2017
I am in teaching profession . He has been asking information about my leaves , assets, property,joining details and some personal queries etc.and he claims that all this is the benefit of public at large .
The fact is that same info. Is asked for the 5th time continously. I do not mind in replying but how many times..
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 21 September 2017
You cannot escape from furnishing the information.Clarification to "Personal" has been given in a number of judgements by the State and Central Information orders,especially regarding 8(j).
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 22 September 2017
Your query is vague so cannot agree or disagree with any of the above suggestions.

You have not at all disclosed as to what information is sought and as to how it is embarrassing and how be is benefited by this information.
Guest (Expert) 22 September 2017
Ms. Neetu Singh,

In what capacity you are dealing with your own case?
Neetu Singh (Querist) 22 September 2017
Sudhir kumar sir .,i have disclosed the information sought in the above message. It becomes embarrasing when the same kind of letter reaches in my office each time . Everyone has a reputation in their work area and such unsual activities against me creates disgust .
And that when all this is just done to due to grudges .
It is evident that he is doing all this to trouble us everytime . He has been sending such letters against my husband also .
I just want to know what legal action should i take to defend myself .thnx in adv.
Neetu Singh (Querist) 22 September 2017
@dhingra sir , please clarify about capacity ...
Guest (Expert) 22 September 2017
Ms. Neetu,

So, don't you really know about your official position/ capacity with specific reference to the RTI portfolio, when supplying the information under RTI?
Guest (Expert) 22 September 2017
Also, as you stated, she has been sending letters against your husband, does your husband also employed in the same school where you are employed and you are supplying information about him?
Neetu Singh (Querist) 22 September 2017
I wasn't clear about i asked .
No ,my husband is working in different college .
Guest (Expert) 22 September 2017
You have still not clarified in which official capacity as an authorised authority under RTI, you had been dealing with your own case?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 September 2017
If the Information officer has refused information under referred section of the Act, applicant may file first appeal and if the same is rejected, he may prefer second appeal.

He is not supposed to teach for what purpose the law was enacted.

Once refused, let the appellate authority decide the matter.
P. Venu (Expert) 22 September 2017
In the strict legal sense, providing information under RTI Act is between the information seeker and the Public Information Officer. You have no role in the matter. If at all you are aggrieved that the PIO is proving any personal information which ought not to have been disclosed without your consent, the remedy lies against the Authority concerned and not the information seeker.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 22 September 2017
you said

"same kind of letter"

what sort of information is being sought regarding you and your husband?

why are you afraid of the disclosure?

what benefit he gets from the information?

what loss do you incur by exposure of some information?

You are keeping the query vague.

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