Rti application
(Querist) 10 April 2016
This query is : Resolved
Hello, I am a doctor in Army. I have been overcharged erroneously for the accommodation I am occupying at my Cantt location. I have written multiple applications to the concerned department but haven't got any reply, till date.
Therefore I have framed a RTI application, please go through it and let me know if I can make it any better. Thanking in anticipation.
Regards Vivek
Subject: Application under Right to Information Act, 2005/ dated: 10 Apr 16
The information is sought under the RTI Act 2005 and as the Applicant I would retain the Right to inspect or ask for certified copies of the relevant documents/ records/ information:
1. Please provide the information regarding the scale at which:
(a) License fee
(b) Furniture charges
(c) Electricity bills
(d) Water bills
Are chargeable from Service Officers for Accommodation at Umroi Cantonment, Shillong with respect to following types of Accommodations:
(i) Officers Married Accommodation.
(ii) Temp Re-appropriated Single Officers Accommodation.
2. Please provide the copy of records of the undermentioned items charged for building no P-64/4 at Umroi Cantonment, Shillong over the period of 01 Jan 13 to 31 Dec 15 :
(a) License fee
(b) Furniture charges
(c) Electricity bills
(d) Water bills
3. Please provide the copy of the following records, of building no P-64/4 at Umroi Cantonment, Shillong spanning over the undermentioned period.
(a) Consumer’s ledger (electric). 01 Apr 13
(b) Consumer’s ledger (water). to
(c) Furniture rate list. 31 Dec 15
(d) Meter reader’s book (electric).
(e) Meter reader’s book (water).
(f) Consumer’s ledger special ( electric and water).
(g) Allotment letter 01 Jan 10 to 31 Dec 15 duly
(h) Handing Taking over note of E/M & B/R fitting and fixtures signed by Occupant &
(i) Receipt, issue and expense voucher for furniture. MES Representative.
4. Please provide the copy of Information on how and why the License fee, Furniture charges, Water and Electricity bills of building no P-64/4, Umroi Cantonment, Shillong over the duration of 01 Apr 14 to 30 Jun 15 were deducted twice(reflected as different bill numbers ) on quarterly as well as lump sum basis as reflected in Statement of Account for march 2016 of Officer, with CDA account no: 02/033/219249L. Copy of Statement of Account is attached as appx with the Application.
5. Please provide the copy of record regarding the current functional status of the electric meter and the latest meter reading mentioned with the date and time, of building no P-64/4, Umroi Cantonment, Shillong.
6. Kindly provide each and every movement details of this RTI application till its disposal.
7. Kindly provide the provision of punishment available for officials deliberately delaying the disposal of matter.
8. If the record is untraceable, who are the Officials responsible for not maintaining it.
9. If you cannot give me the information demanded by me, please give me a part of the information which can be given according to Section 10 of RTI Act. Section 10 of the Act allows those parts of the record which are not exempt from disclosure and which can reasonably be severed from parts containing exempt information to be provided.
10. If the information sought by me cannot be given to me, please provide me the certified copies of the law/bylaws/order/circulars, etc. under which such information is forbidden to public.
11. Whatsoever information you provide me on paper. That paper should be duly signed and clearly stamped by some competent authority. If you use backside of that paper for providing me the information please get that side also duly signed and clearly stamped by some competent authority.
P. Venu
(Expert) 10 April 2016
The information sought is less than specific. Moreover, if you feel that files needs to be seen, first of all inspect them and request the information as required.
(Querist) 10 April 2016
Sir, thank you for taking out time and going through my application. The nomenclature of the info I have demanded in the rti above is very specific to the terminology used in cantonments. And I have gone through my files, but couldn't find sufficient data on my own.
(Querist) 10 April 2016
Sir, thank you for taking out time and going through my application. The nomenclature of the info I have demanded in the rti above is very specific to the terminology used in cantonments. And I have gone through my files, but couldn't find sufficient data on my own.
(Expert) 10 April 2016
being in defence
Cant you resolve sitting with your Seniors??
(Querist) 10 April 2016
Sir, I tried that. Here in defence most of the problems get resolved smoothly, simply with an application but matters relating to MES(Military Engineering Services) usually do not, as it is mostly handled by civilian staff. They are known for inaction and not writing a refund Bill as they have to give an explanation to the local account officer for each and every refund Bill.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 10 April 2016
I felt like helping him but restrained myself on seeing that
" mostly handled by civilian staff. They are known for inaction "
(Querist) 10 April 2016
Sir, with due respect, there is a period in between the two sentences.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 10 April 2016
Some of the queries may be termed away from the scope of RTI.
Please try once more to resolve the matter through your unit head.
(Querist) 10 April 2016
Sure Sir I ll try that first. Thank you everyone for taking out there precious time and going through my application. This is a great forum. Experts are doing a great job. The fact that Four experts have guided me within last 12hrs of posting a query, tells us about the level of interest they are taking in helping out others with a selfless motive. Thank you everyone.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 12 April 2016
Dr. Vivek,
Most of the information such as "how & why" (Q 4); movement of your application(Q6)delay in punishment (Q7); "if" you cannot give information (Q9 & 10)and 11 are beyond the provisions of Section 6 of the RTI Act, 2005 which provide for information, document, inspection etc. which you are required to read again.
However, if concerned BSO/GE/CWE is unable to provide you the desired information, did you raise the official level (through your commanding officer/SSO Station HQ) before restoring to the provisions of RTI Act, 2005 (although it can be taken up through this route as well, which is not taken in right spirit-at least within Army.
Best wishes