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Sale deed and partition

(Querist) 25 October 2020 This query is : Resolved 
What will be fate of land if A person with two sons purchased equal area of adjoining land on same date by sale deed to his both son A and B in 1980.Later after death of A and B, widow of B sold that portion of land purchased in name of B witnessed by major son of B. Family of A is in peaceful possesion of their portion of land in 2014.
Can family of A can later claim over piece of land registered in name of B which was already sold in 2014 citing that B was minor on date of sale deed and it's mentioned in sale deed of 1980 that B was not minor and his profession as agriculture/buisness .
Does this case will stand?
Isaac Gabriel (Expert) 25 October 2020
Is ther any dispute among you. You.The sale deed could have been properly made showing B was major and accordingly it was registered. You were also aware of it. So it is not advisable to torture a widow for minor issues.Though legally you argument seema right, morally it is ubsurd.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 25 October 2020
Repost the query if it is real story, with clear facts unlike present one which is prima facie an examination paper.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900 (Expert) 25 October 2020

Noting will happen as B was major and he has witnessed the registered document. It is also mentioned in the document that B was major. However, B's widow should have a title at the time of executing the sale deed.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 25 October 2020
After B the property would be inherited by all his legal heirs including his wife. Wife of B can sell only her share inherited after B and not full property.

Show all related documents to local lawyer and discuss in detail.
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 25 October 2020
When did A & B die? Have you any proof that the land was purchased when B was minor?
P. Venu (Expert) 26 October 2020
The facts posted are confused and disjointed. Please post simple facts.

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